Opinion and Facts

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

To a homeless war vet killed by cops.

I don't know what he did in the War, I heard he packed bodies into bags. I don't care what he did, I know he served this country. I know he was homeless and he walked the ground of Hollywood. I know because I would see him a lot , he would always be on the move, always walking a path, the path of the homeless unhelped and seemingly righteous. He never asked for a thing , never begged like the others, he was not riff raff or criminal, he was suffering, his pain was visible even to someone like me, as I am a callous type and I scrutinize beggars as to their validity of their position, something which I trained myself to get out of, a person in need is a person in need , not my place or my right to condemn him, he helped me realize the error of my ways as he was truly effected by what he had been through. He was not well perhaps no one could help him not even the country he fought served for. His torment of mind was evident, he would always be in his beret, I am not sure what battalion or infantry he was from but I do know he was decorated. I do know he was abandoned, a type of recluse a victim of the torment he had seen, the pain which case upon him the burden, the weight he could not take off his shoulders. He carried some immense pain weather perceived or created in his mind through his long hours of being abandoned by everyone and everything he encountered. No one seemed to assist him in his beat., in his life on the street. Not even the VA had given him the assistance he needed, because he not only slipped through the cracks, his despondency caused him some real pain in his life. One day he did it he stood up to people who judged him, I suppose it was his years on the street, years of hearing no one, no one except the little voice in his head, I Suppose that voice was not speaking clearly and had become confused by his torment, whatever happened he decided he was not going out like that, he got together his weapons and one day when a chopper lit him up he opened fire on it, the response was overwhelming, at that moment, he had passed the point of no return. There was no second chance for him after that there was no negotiators, there was pure full out police born hellfire rained upon him and his broken light and life was extinguished. No matter what anyone says , he never should have have gotten that far. There was no one there for him, there was no aid, there was no great determination for his assistance, the pain and suffering he had endured was to
to great for him I know it was , he cracked like the broken sidewalks and streets he would walk. He responded in a way in which he was trained , as we all became his enemy, as he walked in a land without allies, a land without friends. If only I would have reached out to him somehow , if only this world were a different place, if only his superiors saw the symptoms of a heart wounded soldier and they were able to help, but alas not the end result was death by cop, it was a sad day to me and I see to him there was no other way out.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Thank You Government for these Dangerous and Desperate Times

Lets see , here is a formula, cause tons of people to lose everything, put people in the most desperate situations and sit back and watch crime go through the roof.
The saying goes 'Desperate times call for Desperate measures.''
For those people who are smart enough and strong enough to withstand temptations of an unscrupulous nature well G-d Bless you and may you be strong when no one is there.
For the weak minded pathetic thieves , there should be no mercy upon you, may you be caught and exposed for the scoundrels you are, and return, my stolen and everyone elses stuff you,opportunistic and plotting and scheming criminals, may you be struck down, in your place, you are unfit to be a part of society. Dam you should be prevented from access to our great country, and stop your further contamination of our society.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

There is a true sickness in our system

When the America we know is so big the head does not know where the feet are, the stomach does not know where the mouth is. Our country is out of touch and out of whack. It is a pathetic situation this broken machine. It is no less than the lack of intelligence which leads the confused masses.
A true dumbing of America, with Government complicity.
We have to bail out an American Icon, The Auto industry failed itself and it is a load of bull dung.
The manipulators have key words that play on public sympathy. What a truly dumb society we have, why doesn't america just go to Disneyland , in fact why don't we change the name of America to disneyland because this has become the country of make believe and lies, next stop ,painting fake smiles on all the people in the country so we can fit in to the rest of the lies we all exist on in America.

A one armed beggar

As I was heading down the freeway it started to jam up and I decided to exit at Santa Monica Boulevard. Today as I came off the 101 Ventura freeway South ,there was a beggar sitting on a box holding a sign, please help. As I looked at him for a brief second I did not know what to think until I could feel his pain surge through my body. I quickly reached into my pocket to give this man some money. I have given him fifty cents. I wish I could have given him $50.00, When I handed it to him he took it with his one hand as he only had one arm, and he looked to the sky and started uttering a prayer a testament to his faith, for a second I felt his pain and I had to move on as the traffic behind me had built. As I drove away I fought back getting choked up, that our society does not help people out. Our government does not provide enough assistance to the financially destitute or under privileged. Yet our government can send trillions overseas, our country even funded Osama Bin ButtSucker to a tune of 24 million a year so he could fight Russians in the most difficult terrain on the planet, the mountains of Afghanistan. Yet our very citizens get the worst deal of all. No great aid, no speedy help, no easy quick assistance to get help.
The poor guy is counting on the hearts and kindness of strangers, yet big brother is killing us all, a slow and painful, lonely and heart broken path of slow to no help for the underpriveledged and needy. Dam this Country is broken and its leaders are blind and corrupt. When it is the people who need help, only the richest get a bailout, while the rest of us are failed by their lack of concern for the masses. This Country is as about as Christian as a Satan worshipper, because they are fake worshippers, they do not apply the proper amount of charity for the poor. They allow this unchecked corruption and fleece the nation. I believe there is an Evil in the air and it has been coming directly from our Government and Pentagon, sending all the wealth of the Country everywhere but to the masses of American citizens, in harms way of our out of balance economy and overvalued and overpriced properties and commodoties, yet most underpaid in comparison to the inflation levels. I believe in helping other Countries but when I see a small country of the homeless within our borders and no one helping as much as we should, then we truly have let the devil live in our country too and the blind Government does not see it has a Satanic root and the evil root exists in our corrupt and power hungry Government Officials which allow these huge and vast disparities to continue unchecked within our borders. Please we all need to pray, but it will take action too and a constant pointing out of the horrible injustices being perpetrated against the very citizens of our own country. This insanity has to stop, there has to be more financial equality, stop the divisions and disparity between humankind. And if you see that truely needy soul, please help him, please show him some kindness, open your heart and your mind to their plight and give what you can. Remember if it is not you then who will help, if it is not now then when because know this later it could be to late. Please help to save a life today, there is no better part of society which could be served, and it is really true a little love and financial help make the world a better place. Please help improve our society donate to more than a good cause, help save lives, send a letter to your congressman demanding more assistance , but try to make the world a better place by helping those in need in our own States, Cities and towns.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Guy Who Lives in the Parking Lot.

There is this guy and he lives in the parking lot , in his Van. He is a normal guy it seems. Though he has fallen on hard times and those times add up to over 5 years I've seen him living there. but he is still there living in his van. No hope, No change, no one ever cuts the guy a break apparently, except the parking dudes , bless them, they never bug him here. Only too bad the place closes at midnight, causing everyone to exit.
Today I saw one of the parking lot attendants rearranging the garbage in the garbage can. He took out a pizza box someone threw in there and then proceeded to carefully mash it down and then put a slight curl on it by sliding it back and forth on the can edge, after which he neatly tucked it down the inside of the can. I was kind of shocked because I saw no great value in what he had done.
Then I looked at him and I could tell this is all he knew how to do and he was proud and did it well. I felt some remorse in the fact that he has obviously seen the harsher side of life and it has something to do with a class system of which we are all the victims.
I can only surmise the only way that I see this is my eyes have been opened to the garbage deal most people get if you do not have a ton of money, this country will take care of you in the slowest, cheapest most demeaning and embarrassing way.
If you could put up with this dysfunctional system there is little solace and a little financial help, but not much and never enough to improve or change your situation. Yet just enough to keep you in a perpetual never go nowhere dead end circle.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Why we live a lie which destroy's our survival.

Today I realised we all live a lie, this was evident when I asked a great friend of mine ''how can so many people have such different and opposing truths, yet each believes only his is right?'' the answer he said to me was, ''each man has his own truth''. Meaning that truth is subjective.
When we grow up, we hide the truth about Santa, please. What about the tooth fairy , we all know they are real. Leprechauns and Unicorns, we could not exist without them. So why do we go on like this? The more non-truths we can expect to accept the more we will be able to over look a real truth, for the sole reason that it is easier to believe a lie then to accept the truth.
Unfortunately man is of a difficult nature and the way in which our animal instinct deals with things is, if one does not like something out comes the avoidance/repression factor. For those things that might be to complicated or to much to get one's head around , because in reality it might make one's entire belief system crumble, oh ye of little and confused faith.
Again there are the simple to the most profound instances of entire human melt down for the lack of understanding. We live in a country where people were burned to the ground and killed by witch hunters not 400 years ago. Angered mob lynchings went on unchecked, and most often the wrong people where hung, even to this last century. The fact is the minds of the masses of people have not become that well developed even in the last hundred years does not make up for the previous thousand years of ignorance.
Yet at are very fingertips are the power of education and wisdom, true intelligence and understanding. Until humans decide that they will only abide by Universal and across the board truths, we will constantly be led amiss of our true desires for a better world.
Until we can develop a way in which things are verified we can not go on the assumption of a biased opinion. In other words we need to examine and question our very existence to its very core.
Meaning that we must oblige ourselves to take the highest path and that is to admit that not everything we believe is 100 % correct. So if we are incapable of this 100% attainment of a truthful existence, questioning some aspects of dogmatic doctrines which cause the prevention of the advancement of civilization and science due to the adherence to non-truths and ignorance needs to be called into action and balance and stop it from destroying our true salvation, the one in which we save ourselves . The end result of a 100% no b.s. belief system would be the entire advancement of the human civilization.
Not the plans of an archaic Monarch system, merged to a current day society in the midst of mass subjugation and fear tactics on an ignorant public, being swindled by Government and lobbyists and politicians out of everything they own and their savings too. Yet there everything goes , unchecked and corrupt to the core, and somehow still in charge of the people, the most deceitful, that seem to like being lied too.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

An Economic Katrina , no and slow help for the masses, big help for a few.

So Katrina came lapsed its destruction, and our Government did not respond in a timely kind fashion.
Now our economic system crumble's,
a lot of Citizens are drowning economically and again getting little and difficult help from our system.
Yet if you are rich and well connected they get carte blanche treatment, with no accounting, please cut me in on that deal.
Please show me how they get to break the system with no one watching, then they get to fix themselves with no one watching. Who do these people think they are , a full out robbery with Government approval.
Then a fear tactic, pay or pay or pay, pay now or pay unemployment, or pay to bail and in a few months, pay unemployment anyway, what a bunch of thieves.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Separation of Corporations and State

Thank you CNN for your recent report, in regards to the money already given to bail out wall street, should be where the auto loan money should come from if at all. Although I disagree with the money going anywhere but to the US Citizens directly. Unfortunately it seems that it falls on an unconcerned and misled public. The fact is that some news anchor's have come up with better idea's than our own elected officials displays the very reason some few people should not be making their biased bad decisions for the masses.
This country seems to complacent with many years of being hood winked by Government in extreme corruption an it is stemming from the top.
How long will it take before we can rid our system of corporate control of Government.
It seems that just as the idea of a country of the people, for the people and by the people. Today it is, of the corporation, for the corporation and by the corporation. Just as it makes sense not to mix Church and State, so to it would make more sense not to mix corporations and state. Not to allow a corporate purchase of every law they want, why are we continuing to allow corporations deciding what side of the tracks you will live on. They want to break your back and not pay decent wages. I say all people should be much more well paid. The minimum wage in the US should be $25.00 an hour, not a penny less.
The minimum wage should reflect the constant rise in the cost of living and therefore American minimum wage is completely below the cost of living. Corporations and greed are making everything to expensive, what good is everything when no one can afford it, or only a few and that's really unfair on the common man.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The USA a Government and Country, Run by Corporation's and greed.

Thank you CNN for you telling the news, but it seems to fall on deaf ears, a country of do nothing's as we all just go about our lives twisted and strapped to a barrel, naked and left in a goat field, thanks to our own Government.
Well that is the system and the motto is if it ain't broke don't fix it. Well guess what those entrusted to lead broke it F.U.B.A.R.
It is time we apply the no church and state law, to also mean a no corporation and state law should be created.
Maybe then there could start to be some fairness but to much to do , to little time, and way too late.
Hold on to that survivalist mentality, and don't let go of the life perserver, we are in this broken mess and the light at the end of the tunnel appears to be a train wreck heading straight for us.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

In a Country full of illegal Imigrants and diminishing comparative fair wage

At this time I would like to point out another distraction of mine. As I would like to work for a decent wage.
Most the time all I need to do is get a job here and there. I usually pick up a job usually pretty easy to get, as currently as I can see commerce in action, and I have no involvement in it Nor am I gaining in it.
Over these last ten years with out a doubt the jobs have steadily declined and even harder to come by.
My experience is to find a lot of people working illegally and they don't have a right to work here, yet there they are working.
Now if there were an overflow of work I would understand a necessity to have additional workers. Yet in these times jobs are the hardest to come by and a decent wage is being undermined by an employer cheating an American crew.
I mean I have to face it, there are tons of illegle's on their way here everyday because they know they can get a job, which only means it will be harder for a working American to get a job.
There are thousands of illegally working foreigners, while our government and leaders are complacent to undermining our society, furthering the decline of the financial infra-structure and not providing a fair work environment for legal American workers.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Forest seen , trees unheard

America so big you can not hear a solitary voice, When it is said you cant see the forest for the trees, I am really starting to know the meaning. Even here where I can write a blog I still go relatively unheard by most people I mean even if I had A hundred thousand hits, that still does not equate to big numbers, there will be division and opposition and agreed to and those against those who get it and those who dont.
But say I wanted to expose an airline for its poor treatment of its passengers or a car company for the fact it would rather save money than save lives,

Dear Congress Please bail me out too.

If so much money is being given away to huge corporations, which in my opinion is a flawed approach.
You should first bail out the citizens so we have the purchasing power , not the companies with inferior lemon vehicles that have prevented a alternative fuel source from being developed, and not letting under privileged individuals to purchase their overpriced merchandse.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bait and switch?

It has come to a point where my joy, has quickly turned to oh great more of the same. I do not support the bailouts when I see homeless people, that can not get even a used car. The auto industry is complacent in not upgrading its fuel technologies. The auto industry does not help those in need of a good vehicle, continues to produce and fight fuel alternatives, hey government why don't you bail out all us broke citizens first.
I can say that as so many say your future is up to you ,if only you present this front that you have this equipment and this ability, you can have that job, yet there is no one helping the situation. No one footing or providing even basic assistance to the most needy of people, those with no real means to exit a horrible situation but it is okay to help those wealthy people flying in jets.
I am disappointed in the slow and no response to the common man. I am a silent cry falling on deaf ears.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Our Government serves whom?

When I was younger I received the death benefits of my passed on father. As I received that small monthly stipend it made the difference in my life financially and I needed every penny, the law then was you could get your benefits till you were twenty-five and in life that is important especially the fact that nothing can replace the loss of a loved one, still the small amount of money really made a financial difference.
In comes Regan and Reaganomics's a touted and lauded ,how people would revel about it, yet to me Regan was rat that ate my cheese. Yes Regan, I still hate him to this day, as my life was just barely coming together, he pulled the plug on my meager stipend and he changed the law from benefits till you are 25 to ,it's over at 21, wouldn't you know it, I just turned 21 and all anyone could say was too bad, sorry your Dad died but now, the Government is going to steal your money right our from under you and there ain't a dam thing you can do about it.
It still hurts me to this day as my life could have been so much better on the plans that I had made and the slow pace of my education.
At any rate here and now and decades later I have had need to utilise the Unemployment Fund, so I was laid off this company,and needed to apply, so everyday I called and called and everyday just when I thought I got through, a recorded voice would come on and say ''due to the volume of calls at this time please try again later and it will just auto eject you from the line. So after a month I finally got through, but soon after I received some work so I dropped it but I still missed days that I should have collected. Anyway I needed to start it again as the work ran out. Then I worked one day but they owed me back days and many of them, and I worked a day that was unemployment claimed. Next thing they cancelled me, and say I charged them one day to much and I owe them $250.00 USD .
So now I have spent weeks trying to get through to the to tell them why don't they audit themselves and give me all the days I could not claim because they are always unreachable right away and they would see they owe me for a lot more days, so why is it okay for them to say I jacked them when it is them that jacked me.
Not to mention they gave me the least amount possible in the period although according to the amounts I earned they were not giving me the right amount and there is no one to contest that with. Just a bunch of persnickety you better not raise your voice with me, like some I am sorry but it is the most appropriate term for some of these 90 I.Q. Gov. Workers is douche bags. They have so little to control that when they get their chance they shit on you, like the Government bitches they are, like they all have a propensity for frustrating you, then they act like what? Whats your problem you better not sass me, or I make sure you screwed, power tripping a-holes.
So when you do get some help from this government it is always to little and way to late, unless you are a wall street tycoon or some big buddy they like to suck cock for the retards are so impressed, dam you a-holes you fuck the country dry don't you.
You make me sick , my very own US Government you do not work for the average citizen but you cater to big wigs and fat cat's. I am sick of getting fucked over by you, but on it goes. I pray this new Change does something good for the people for a change, because all the red tape and past governments are killing me and thousands of other innocent people, caught in a bureaucratic web of SLOW to NO help.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Greatest Election Day I ever Seen!

For me it seemed 8 bitter years I went, for 40 years we went, for so many others too the years of a true and real suffering ,pain 60 ,80 100, the years passed of human degradation and separation. In America we have come to see this courageous brilliant day, and it truly is a day of luminescence for which we stood together, for union, knowledge and leadership, making the smartest choice of an elected official. In that moment set history and broke barriers which have been too long waiting for this day to arrive. A President which would truly be of the people, by the people and for the people.
I am awestruck as I have never seen that into a night of election the satisfaction and relief of the people could be heard through out the streets of Los Angeles and passed midnight the songs being sung of the National Anthem, could be heard over loud speakers, as many still toot their horns into the night, excitement and hope, has given me the feeling which I never had before, the feeling that something good is upon us, something to which I am proud to be a witness and be a part of.
I am only writing this quip to explain and remember the cheers in the streets and tears in the eyes of a truly moved people, for this I am profoundly effected to rejoice. I feel as a Nation we can overcome anything at this point,no matter what the future brings.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Natures Pristine Beauty

Oh great nature the civilizations you have encompassed, how many creatures have laid down to return too your blessed life giving soil. In how many words and in how many languages has your beauty been described, how many and vast are the grains of sand, on every planet and star, is that the number of your unknown secrets, your almighty forces, oh Great and fantastic land, your big bang minerals and elements, from which I am made and too where I return, you yielded me a great boon! The greatest most respectful debt I owe to thee, you give me life with senses, for that it is true, I am eternally yours, my beloved Earth, this prodigious planet for which I am to realize
your Divine nature !
That I should be able to come up from your very dirt and be intelligent enough to realise your exquisite beauty, how your deep oceans alone, have not been fathomed by us here, yet we live amongst your great creations,from the highest of mountains to the deepest seas.
It tears at my very fiber that the men which evolved here, the ones calling themselves the leaders of your hallows, are allowing your very harm, as they deny what all great science has deemed, as we witness in our time, global warming, yet our footprint is truly hurting your pristine innocence and your great and small, humble and silent creatures, too,which these, certain foolish men, think they have the right to destroy.
I call out to those who will listen, we are the keepers of this great zoo we call Earth,
say no to offshore, and Alaskan drilling, we are smarter than that and we really need to get off oil, isn't it strange how greedy people are so addicted to oil it has disrupted our very economy, but our jails are full with a fake war on Drugs after all ,the statistics show,they only catch the unconnected ten percent. How can we expect real security?. How does it all get here and what is the relation to pristine nature?
Well it is this if we cannot make these sensible analogies we are allowing continued unchecked corruption lead our policies on the environment its habitats and the creatures that depend on a pristine nature, to survive.
As we witness we must save our creatures of the poles, the great white polar bears, that have been filmed swimming for days and dying of malnutrition.
Emaciated whales starved of their very weight and size as humankind is not kind when we are destroying such great and pure innocent creatures
Check yourself, we cannot fail them or we fail ourselves, and when it comes to life or death of these pure lands and innocent creatures, dying for the greed of man, failure is not an option as we owe it to ourselves to do everything possible, to change what could be the end of a certain species. I do not want to see the future of animals to be, cage kept clones, made by man. Just say no to offshore and Alaskan Wildlife Sanctuary drilling. I mean who thinks it is fine that in the last hurricane to hit the Gulf the U.S.A off shore drilling and oil land storage dumped 500,000 tons of oil into the gulf and ultimately Caribbean and Atlantic ocean, this is not a good thing, this country really does not need to be doing that. The yields will not be worth the further continued destruction of the things that make this planet so great.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Republican meltdown

This is real simple, what we do is for all the people that vote republican in the next election should be put on a list of people that really have no concern for the real country. They should be labelled mentally deficient because they are too ignorant to see how bad a decision it is to keep that ill thinking illuminati loving corporate suck up republican party in power. My lifetime has revealed to me the true evil nature of republican selfish,self centered ,egotistical ,racist ,out-of-touch, that think their corrupt,perverted interpretation of a Judaic G-d is righteous and true but they are as ignorant of G-d's word as they are of having a fair deal for all, or we would not be in this situation.
Kindness ,and Mercy, Charity, and Wisdom have been traded for greed, lust of power,blood lust, and an I am better than thou mentality. Republican racist ,fascist manipulators of and destroyers,of the good,they get themselves rich and screw everyone and everything in the process, dam them they make me sick. How do they get away with it?

How do they get away with it?

How can we be law abiding citizens yet our politicians are complete thieves, The administration seems to care more about,flying for free, getting free stuff, spending lots of U.S. dollars everywhere but in the U.S.A., Starting unjust wars, causing unjust things, owning businesses indirectly or getting hidden kick backs and presents just out of the view of the law,being above the law, giving contracts to friends and family cousins or relatives but not letting any one else in,getting free food, and free hotels and free gifts,being on T.V. drugs in baseball, and trying to be a type of recognized fame seeking Hollywood wannabees, rather than the corruption that stems straight from our government not wanting to help its own citizen and having a fatal flaw in the system and no one crying out to have it fixed. When decisions are being made by our so called government, making decisions by lobbyists, corporation,drug companies, and secret private pacts of ill gotten gains, that seek profits, instead of a clean polite humble society that has existed contaminate free to a society with prescription drugs in its very water and jet fuel carcinogens in the entire water supply, as well as the aluminum manufacturing by-product, fluoride ,which till today is still a corporate money maker and really serves no purpose in the American water supply.
Fluoride is a known disease maker and rat poison, , exposure increases your risk of getting osteoporosis, through increasing exposure and ingestion, and the fact that there is three parts per million in the US water supply but 5 parts per million is deadly toxic. Who has to keep drugging its public on synthetic sweeteners, untested medications and what seems to be harebrained thinking of greed monger such as the ones that caused mad cows disease by feeding bones, a never before eaten thing in the existence of the animal and force it to eat ground cow bones, this is the thinking which produces disease and kills people, but on they go trying to control even nature itself, broadcasting frequencies that send whale and dolphin dying , playing with Frankenstein style war tools in the name of World Domination, only are out for corporate/military greed , the drug companies and rule breakers, smart men who rewrite laws to be used against the common man for financial gain, and secret organizations, and unholy alliances, are screwing the average,citizen with no relief in site.
Well we fight an unjust war, we were lied. too, we used an army to carry out the assassination of an horrible, maniacal, diabolical foreign leader and while our infra structure decays, roadways crumble, streets that could have been designed for mobility, in fact were made for disruption of the flow. What is a traffic jam from one side of the country to the other in every major city the traffic jam is a sign that your country has been screwing you for decades and it starts with poor urban designs that obstruct the flow of everything. But alas our current Government system operates with so much red tape they stop themselves from advancing at any great rate just like they make sure the traffic stops in every big city during rush hour, Pre-planned gas wasting by the masses for the Gas companies . Our tax dollars are being given to already wealthy CEO'S this government caused the collapse ,limited any over site to and personally made huge profits and gains yet spent so much time on Martha Stewart, so ready to make examples of people but themselves, so ready to go to foreign wherever but screw the education up for a nation which scores lowest in international intelligence tests, and do not afford a descent income to the most needed teachers, raise the inflation ,taxes, gas,food and lodging prices, but do not increase the wage income to match the reflection of the growth of the cost of living, but they all get all this free stuff plus big salaries, champagne and caviar lifestyles,they are flown in planes,driven by in there limo's and taxis and buses and look the other way when they see human destitution or they are wealthy enough already and don't care.
Now they make out like they are saving the country, first they explode a big bomb and fly the plane into a building, then they say they are hiring all the mechanics to fix it, but we still do not get a great return as this was to much, to little, to late as was the great administration for economic stimulus was $600.00 if you could get it.and I would rather see one trillion dollars split amongst the citizens of the United states something to the tune of $60,000 dollars each, as recompense for all the unneeded trauma they put the innocent citizens of the United States being lead by some rich crass , bossy , overbearing foreign policy leaders , ,, again why should they get a bail out when we are the ones who are really economically suffering not rich CEO's .
Well we were falsely lead into an unjust war, we have seen no WMD's so they wrote a check their mouths can't cash this is war and in war treason is punishable by death and since the administration has ordered killings in the name of their unjust wars, screwed the Country, putting the USA in the highest amount of danger, created, multitudes of anti-American sentiment across the world, caused foolishly the collapse of the entire global market economy and put at risk everything we believed our forefathers stood for, perhaps they should all be tried for treason as they go around having people run amok f.u.b.a.r. all across the globe in the false name of religion and democracy. How is that from every organization and bureau it would appear that no one has a clue when it comes to prevention of an 800 pound gorilla unhindered in a room, but when it comes to corruption of our very government the very things that are supposed to be set in place are left unguarded, turning a daft blind eye to what wholeheartedly should be deemed white collar smart grafting, and outright desire for the Government to own everything, but wont let you have it because they sold your job overseas. and think it is clever to rent small planes from foreign countries at $30,000 dollars a day to keep on stand bye $90,000 to fly per day, and waisting millions of dollars and lives, yet no incentives were given for many tech companies to stay on US soil, . Wake up you assholes you work against your own country and you get away Scott free.
You hide behind your notzi style oppression, of drug users in large urban cities to suburbia small town USA, America runs on Prison systems they enjoy giving no choice to at risk youth and create a system that preys on the poor too raise them to be criminals, so the jailers can keep there over the top, gunge hoe douche bags, from running every citizen into the system, to break down their morality and create a disgruntled civilization known as America, where the government let gangs run rampant insanity on its streets, produce a kind of people where they could run you off the road, snapped anytime day or night, vato locos, yet beer, hard liquor, and death causing cigarettes are fine for you too, you hypocritical, non sensible, oppression causing, biased laws of an old world magna carta, corporate sucking leaches, trying to suppress a civilization that are not the same people as when the thoughts were conceived. If this were an analogy on a computer it is called an update, in society there then needs a serious uprising of realization and that is the system needs a severe overhaul, that is hopefully on its way,but believe me , the people can see through your ill treatment of your own country .
The republican party whats left of it should change its name to the American National Front, a fascist,racist party, because it is made up of total racists and fascists that just take guesses on what should be done and talk out of every hole in their bodies, good government decisions, are not a fashion show, politicians should not be leaches living off taxpayer money and people that just don't make any sense yet they are able to be free loading parasites elected into office by uneducated halfwits, still go on babbling as if the were talking to someone who will instantly forget what they said and not really understand its relevance to anything or making sense.
Thanks to this point and time, real patriots who share a color blind society can finally see what colors they are flying, the truth that they want more turmoil and hate , and segregation spread through out neighborhoods and it seems, as for when we are for peace, they are for war when unity is needed the provide strife, when speed an action are needed they let great cities drown, when trust is required they perpetrate maneuvers in constant clandestine operations,with what must be huge chips on their shoulders for them even thinking they had a right to be their in the first place.
As laws not being modernized, allow an illegal, drug black market, causing all sorts of illegal monies for all types of funding using your own citizens to entrap them in the drug game, which leads them to the money making prison system, so they are really cashing in on those poor people,keeping entire families in perpetual doom.
Why do they keep the profits so high? As weed in the USA is almost as much as Gold and marijuana cash crops are the biggest industry in the world yet the US wants it all so illegal, so they still win the highest profits off the war on drugs.Maybe the war on drugs should be called the war on people, but it is real simple, if it is legal ,there is no more power struggle , it takes two people to create a power struggle, one that says he can do this, and one that says he can't, it is that simple, and the rules meld and transmute depending on the circumstance.
Well as shown in the United Kingdom, which also has national health for all its citizens, if you legalize drugs, the crime rates go down, there is no more black market, and a lot of innocent people stop losing their stuff and going to jail, and the jails become less crowed.
Unless there is a plan to make tons of money off the suffering of the US poor and middle class because there really should be no difference between driving with a 6 pack of beer or driving with 6 joints, by creating all these extra divisions and laws pertaining to a particular product of inebriation. I would say at this time the US is protecting liquor because sales might drop when young adults could legally buy a joint from the seven eleven, of which by the way the U.S. allows the sale of a death product such as tobacco yet stops the legalization of marijuana. The A.T.F It is a strange group mixing I think you should not have liquor and guns together, it seems to lead to smoking.
I blame the lack of oversight as a strategic plan to destroy the very fabric of our society and I hold the US government in contempt of its own citizens. The wealth earned on the misery of others is truly dirty money, yet again it should be the people of this country who deserve the trillion dollars not the connected corporations and wall street tycoons, it should be given to the citizens of the U.S. Because you don't know how to share fairly you greedy, not to clear thinking, S.O.B.'S. as well as property and Prison a strategic planned profiteering of the poor and under privileged.
Two thousand, seven hundred people a day are being evicted from their homes and Five thousand people a week are dying from complications related to tobacco products. Over Five thousand have died in the Iraq war, and your Government stands by making sure all these deaths go on and on.
I paid the highest for gas ever then suddenly the price drops. And the oil companies have had the highest profits world records ever, yet no one steps in as the Oil companies spread the wealth well to all those assistants known as some people within our government, These people are retarded with greed and power, who and how the hell do they figure this cause now they are cutting oil production?Now the price goes down? This is insanity If our government was working for the people and not the car industries and oil industries we would have been out of the oil crap a decade ago. But we have financially biased leaders or why else would they be so ignorant, that believe tobacco lobbyists over scientists and a simpleton public attitudes which promote Nationalistic ideology mentalities, which do not serve the purpose of the greater good for all, in a country serving all, but rather a Government which constantly over looks the needs of its citizens for the good of corporations.
