Opinion and Facts

Friday, December 19, 2008

Why we live a lie which destroy's our survival.

Today I realised we all live a lie, this was evident when I asked a great friend of mine ''how can so many people have such different and opposing truths, yet each believes only his is right?'' the answer he said to me was, ''each man has his own truth''. Meaning that truth is subjective.
When we grow up, we hide the truth about Santa, please. What about the tooth fairy , we all know they are real. Leprechauns and Unicorns, we could not exist without them. So why do we go on like this? The more non-truths we can expect to accept the more we will be able to over look a real truth, for the sole reason that it is easier to believe a lie then to accept the truth.
Unfortunately man is of a difficult nature and the way in which our animal instinct deals with things is, if one does not like something out comes the avoidance/repression factor. For those things that might be to complicated or to much to get one's head around , because in reality it might make one's entire belief system crumble, oh ye of little and confused faith.
Again there are the simple to the most profound instances of entire human melt down for the lack of understanding. We live in a country where people were burned to the ground and killed by witch hunters not 400 years ago. Angered mob lynchings went on unchecked, and most often the wrong people where hung, even to this last century. The fact is the minds of the masses of people have not become that well developed even in the last hundred years does not make up for the previous thousand years of ignorance.
Yet at are very fingertips are the power of education and wisdom, true intelligence and understanding. Until humans decide that they will only abide by Universal and across the board truths, we will constantly be led amiss of our true desires for a better world.
Until we can develop a way in which things are verified we can not go on the assumption of a biased opinion. In other words we need to examine and question our very existence to its very core.
Meaning that we must oblige ourselves to take the highest path and that is to admit that not everything we believe is 100 % correct. So if we are incapable of this 100% attainment of a truthful existence, questioning some aspects of dogmatic doctrines which cause the prevention of the advancement of civilization and science due to the adherence to non-truths and ignorance needs to be called into action and balance and stop it from destroying our true salvation, the one in which we save ourselves . The end result of a 100% no b.s. belief system would be the entire advancement of the human civilization.
Not the plans of an archaic Monarch system, merged to a current day society in the midst of mass subjugation and fear tactics on an ignorant public, being swindled by Government and lobbyists and politicians out of everything they own and their savings too. Yet there everything goes , unchecked and corrupt to the core, and somehow still in charge of the people, the most deceitful, that seem to like being lied too.
