Opinion and Facts

Sunday, December 21, 2008

A one armed beggar

As I was heading down the freeway it started to jam up and I decided to exit at Santa Monica Boulevard. Today as I came off the 101 Ventura freeway South ,there was a beggar sitting on a box holding a sign, please help. As I looked at him for a brief second I did not know what to think until I could feel his pain surge through my body. I quickly reached into my pocket to give this man some money. I have given him fifty cents. I wish I could have given him $50.00, When I handed it to him he took it with his one hand as he only had one arm, and he looked to the sky and started uttering a prayer a testament to his faith, for a second I felt his pain and I had to move on as the traffic behind me had built. As I drove away I fought back getting choked up, that our society does not help people out. Our government does not provide enough assistance to the financially destitute or under privileged. Yet our government can send trillions overseas, our country even funded Osama Bin ButtSucker to a tune of 24 million a year so he could fight Russians in the most difficult terrain on the planet, the mountains of Afghanistan. Yet our very citizens get the worst deal of all. No great aid, no speedy help, no easy quick assistance to get help.
The poor guy is counting on the hearts and kindness of strangers, yet big brother is killing us all, a slow and painful, lonely and heart broken path of slow to no help for the underpriveledged and needy. Dam this Country is broken and its leaders are blind and corrupt. When it is the people who need help, only the richest get a bailout, while the rest of us are failed by their lack of concern for the masses. This Country is as about as Christian as a Satan worshipper, because they are fake worshippers, they do not apply the proper amount of charity for the poor. They allow this unchecked corruption and fleece the nation. I believe there is an Evil in the air and it has been coming directly from our Government and Pentagon, sending all the wealth of the Country everywhere but to the masses of American citizens, in harms way of our out of balance economy and overvalued and overpriced properties and commodoties, yet most underpaid in comparison to the inflation levels. I believe in helping other Countries but when I see a small country of the homeless within our borders and no one helping as much as we should, then we truly have let the devil live in our country too and the blind Government does not see it has a Satanic root and the evil root exists in our corrupt and power hungry Government Officials which allow these huge and vast disparities to continue unchecked within our borders. Please we all need to pray, but it will take action too and a constant pointing out of the horrible injustices being perpetrated against the very citizens of our own country. This insanity has to stop, there has to be more financial equality, stop the divisions and disparity between humankind. And if you see that truely needy soul, please help him, please show him some kindness, open your heart and your mind to their plight and give what you can. Remember if it is not you then who will help, if it is not now then when because know this later it could be to late. Please help to save a life today, there is no better part of society which could be served, and it is really true a little love and financial help make the world a better place. Please help improve our society donate to more than a good cause, help save lives, send a letter to your congressman demanding more assistance , but try to make the world a better place by helping those in need in our own States, Cities and towns.
