Opinion and Facts

Monday, December 22, 2008

Thank You Government for these Dangerous and Desperate Times

Lets see , here is a formula, cause tons of people to lose everything, put people in the most desperate situations and sit back and watch crime go through the roof.
The saying goes 'Desperate times call for Desperate measures.''
For those people who are smart enough and strong enough to withstand temptations of an unscrupulous nature well G-d Bless you and may you be strong when no one is there.
For the weak minded pathetic thieves , there should be no mercy upon you, may you be caught and exposed for the scoundrels you are, and return, my stolen and everyone elses stuff you,opportunistic and plotting and scheming criminals, may you be struck down, in your place, you are unfit to be a part of society. Dam you should be prevented from access to our great country, and stop your further contamination of our society.
