Opinion and Facts

Saturday, December 6, 2008

An Economic Katrina , no and slow help for the masses, big help for a few.

So Katrina came lapsed its destruction, and our Government did not respond in a timely kind fashion.
Now our economic system crumble's,
a lot of Citizens are drowning economically and again getting little and difficult help from our system.
Yet if you are rich and well connected they get carte blanche treatment, with no accounting, please cut me in on that deal.
Please show me how they get to break the system with no one watching, then they get to fix themselves with no one watching. Who do these people think they are , a full out robbery with Government approval.
Then a fear tactic, pay or pay or pay, pay now or pay unemployment, or pay to bail and in a few months, pay unemployment anyway, what a bunch of thieves.
