Opinion and Facts

Sunday, December 21, 2008

There is a true sickness in our system

When the America we know is so big the head does not know where the feet are, the stomach does not know where the mouth is. Our country is out of touch and out of whack. It is a pathetic situation this broken machine. It is no less than the lack of intelligence which leads the confused masses.
A true dumbing of America, with Government complicity.
We have to bail out an American Icon, The Auto industry failed itself and it is a load of bull dung.
The manipulators have key words that play on public sympathy. What a truly dumb society we have, why doesn't america just go to Disneyland , in fact why don't we change the name of America to disneyland because this has become the country of make believe and lies, next stop ,painting fake smiles on all the people in the country so we can fit in to the rest of the lies we all exist on in America.
