Opinion and Facts

Friday, December 5, 2008

Separation of Corporations and State

Thank you CNN for your recent report, in regards to the money already given to bail out wall street, should be where the auto loan money should come from if at all. Although I disagree with the money going anywhere but to the US Citizens directly. Unfortunately it seems that it falls on an unconcerned and misled public. The fact is that some news anchor's have come up with better idea's than our own elected officials displays the very reason some few people should not be making their biased bad decisions for the masses.
This country seems to complacent with many years of being hood winked by Government in extreme corruption an it is stemming from the top.
How long will it take before we can rid our system of corporate control of Government.
It seems that just as the idea of a country of the people, for the people and by the people. Today it is, of the corporation, for the corporation and by the corporation. Just as it makes sense not to mix Church and State, so to it would make more sense not to mix corporations and state. Not to allow a corporate purchase of every law they want, why are we continuing to allow corporations deciding what side of the tracks you will live on. They want to break your back and not pay decent wages. I say all people should be much more well paid. The minimum wage in the US should be $25.00 an hour, not a penny less.
The minimum wage should reflect the constant rise in the cost of living and therefore American minimum wage is completely below the cost of living. Corporations and greed are making everything to expensive, what good is everything when no one can afford it, or only a few and that's really unfair on the common man.
