Opinion and Facts

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Guy Who Lives in the Parking Lot.

There is this guy and he lives in the parking lot , in his Van. He is a normal guy it seems. Though he has fallen on hard times and those times add up to over 5 years I've seen him living there. but he is still there living in his van. No hope, No change, no one ever cuts the guy a break apparently, except the parking dudes , bless them, they never bug him here. Only too bad the place closes at midnight, causing everyone to exit.
Today I saw one of the parking lot attendants rearranging the garbage in the garbage can. He took out a pizza box someone threw in there and then proceeded to carefully mash it down and then put a slight curl on it by sliding it back and forth on the can edge, after which he neatly tucked it down the inside of the can. I was kind of shocked because I saw no great value in what he had done.
Then I looked at him and I could tell this is all he knew how to do and he was proud and did it well. I felt some remorse in the fact that he has obviously seen the harsher side of life and it has something to do with a class system of which we are all the victims.
I can only surmise the only way that I see this is my eyes have been opened to the garbage deal most people get if you do not have a ton of money, this country will take care of you in the slowest, cheapest most demeaning and embarrassing way.
If you could put up with this dysfunctional system there is little solace and a little financial help, but not much and never enough to improve or change your situation. Yet just enough to keep you in a perpetual never go nowhere dead end circle.
