Opinion and Facts

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The USA a Government and Country, Run by Corporation's and greed.

Thank you CNN for you telling the news, but it seems to fall on deaf ears, a country of do nothing's as we all just go about our lives twisted and strapped to a barrel, naked and left in a goat field, thanks to our own Government.
Well that is the system and the motto is if it ain't broke don't fix it. Well guess what those entrusted to lead broke it F.U.B.A.R.
It is time we apply the no church and state law, to also mean a no corporation and state law should be created.
Maybe then there could start to be some fairness but to much to do , to little time, and way too late.
Hold on to that survivalist mentality, and don't let go of the life perserver, we are in this broken mess and the light at the end of the tunnel appears to be a train wreck heading straight for us.
