Opinion and Facts

Friday, October 24, 2008

Republican meltdown

This is real simple, what we do is for all the people that vote republican in the next election should be put on a list of people that really have no concern for the real country. They should be labelled mentally deficient because they are too ignorant to see how bad a decision it is to keep that ill thinking illuminati loving corporate suck up republican party in power. My lifetime has revealed to me the true evil nature of republican selfish,self centered ,egotistical ,racist ,out-of-touch, that think their corrupt,perverted interpretation of a Judaic G-d is righteous and true but they are as ignorant of G-d's word as they are of having a fair deal for all, or we would not be in this situation.
Kindness ,and Mercy, Charity, and Wisdom have been traded for greed, lust of power,blood lust, and an I am better than thou mentality. Republican racist ,fascist manipulators of and destroyers,of the good,they get themselves rich and screw everyone and everything in the process, dam them they make me sick. How do they get away with it?
