Opinion and Facts

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Natures Pristine Beauty

Oh great nature the civilizations you have encompassed, how many creatures have laid down to return too your blessed life giving soil. In how many words and in how many languages has your beauty been described, how many and vast are the grains of sand, on every planet and star, is that the number of your unknown secrets, your almighty forces, oh Great and fantastic land, your big bang minerals and elements, from which I am made and too where I return, you yielded me a great boon! The greatest most respectful debt I owe to thee, you give me life with senses, for that it is true, I am eternally yours, my beloved Earth, this prodigious planet for which I am to realize
your Divine nature !
That I should be able to come up from your very dirt and be intelligent enough to realise your exquisite beauty, how your deep oceans alone, have not been fathomed by us here, yet we live amongst your great creations,from the highest of mountains to the deepest seas.
It tears at my very fiber that the men which evolved here, the ones calling themselves the leaders of your hallows, are allowing your very harm, as they deny what all great science has deemed, as we witness in our time, global warming, yet our footprint is truly hurting your pristine innocence and your great and small, humble and silent creatures, too,which these, certain foolish men, think they have the right to destroy.
I call out to those who will listen, we are the keepers of this great zoo we call Earth,
say no to offshore, and Alaskan drilling, we are smarter than that and we really need to get off oil, isn't it strange how greedy people are so addicted to oil it has disrupted our very economy, but our jails are full with a fake war on Drugs after all ,the statistics show,they only catch the unconnected ten percent. How can we expect real security?. How does it all get here and what is the relation to pristine nature?
Well it is this if we cannot make these sensible analogies we are allowing continued unchecked corruption lead our policies on the environment its habitats and the creatures that depend on a pristine nature, to survive.
As we witness we must save our creatures of the poles, the great white polar bears, that have been filmed swimming for days and dying of malnutrition.
Emaciated whales starved of their very weight and size as humankind is not kind when we are destroying such great and pure innocent creatures
Check yourself, we cannot fail them or we fail ourselves, and when it comes to life or death of these pure lands and innocent creatures, dying for the greed of man, failure is not an option as we owe it to ourselves to do everything possible, to change what could be the end of a certain species. I do not want to see the future of animals to be, cage kept clones, made by man. Just say no to offshore and Alaskan Wildlife Sanctuary drilling. I mean who thinks it is fine that in the last hurricane to hit the Gulf the U.S.A off shore drilling and oil land storage dumped 500,000 tons of oil into the gulf and ultimately Caribbean and Atlantic ocean, this is not a good thing, this country really does not need to be doing that. The yields will not be worth the further continued destruction of the things that make this planet so great.
