Opinion and Facts

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Greatest Election Day I ever Seen!

For me it seemed 8 bitter years I went, for 40 years we went, for so many others too the years of a true and real suffering ,pain 60 ,80 100, the years passed of human degradation and separation. In America we have come to see this courageous brilliant day, and it truly is a day of luminescence for which we stood together, for union, knowledge and leadership, making the smartest choice of an elected official. In that moment set history and broke barriers which have been too long waiting for this day to arrive. A President which would truly be of the people, by the people and for the people.
I am awestruck as I have never seen that into a night of election the satisfaction and relief of the people could be heard through out the streets of Los Angeles and passed midnight the songs being sung of the National Anthem, could be heard over loud speakers, as many still toot their horns into the night, excitement and hope, has given me the feeling which I never had before, the feeling that something good is upon us, something to which I am proud to be a witness and be a part of.
I am only writing this quip to explain and remember the cheers in the streets and tears in the eyes of a truly moved people, for this I am profoundly effected to rejoice. I feel as a Nation we can overcome anything at this point,no matter what the future brings.
