Opinion and Facts

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Our Government serves whom?

When I was younger I received the death benefits of my passed on father. As I received that small monthly stipend it made the difference in my life financially and I needed every penny, the law then was you could get your benefits till you were twenty-five and in life that is important especially the fact that nothing can replace the loss of a loved one, still the small amount of money really made a financial difference.
In comes Regan and Reaganomics's a touted and lauded ,how people would revel about it, yet to me Regan was rat that ate my cheese. Yes Regan, I still hate him to this day, as my life was just barely coming together, he pulled the plug on my meager stipend and he changed the law from benefits till you are 25 to ,it's over at 21, wouldn't you know it, I just turned 21 and all anyone could say was too bad, sorry your Dad died but now, the Government is going to steal your money right our from under you and there ain't a dam thing you can do about it.
It still hurts me to this day as my life could have been so much better on the plans that I had made and the slow pace of my education.
At any rate here and now and decades later I have had need to utilise the Unemployment Fund, so I was laid off this company,and needed to apply, so everyday I called and called and everyday just when I thought I got through, a recorded voice would come on and say ''due to the volume of calls at this time please try again later and it will just auto eject you from the line. So after a month I finally got through, but soon after I received some work so I dropped it but I still missed days that I should have collected. Anyway I needed to start it again as the work ran out. Then I worked one day but they owed me back days and many of them, and I worked a day that was unemployment claimed. Next thing they cancelled me, and say I charged them one day to much and I owe them $250.00 USD .
So now I have spent weeks trying to get through to the to tell them why don't they audit themselves and give me all the days I could not claim because they are always unreachable right away and they would see they owe me for a lot more days, so why is it okay for them to say I jacked them when it is them that jacked me.
Not to mention they gave me the least amount possible in the period although according to the amounts I earned they were not giving me the right amount and there is no one to contest that with. Just a bunch of persnickety you better not raise your voice with me, like some I am sorry but it is the most appropriate term for some of these 90 I.Q. Gov. Workers is douche bags. They have so little to control that when they get their chance they shit on you, like the Government bitches they are, like they all have a propensity for frustrating you, then they act like what? Whats your problem you better not sass me, or I make sure you screwed, power tripping a-holes.
So when you do get some help from this government it is always to little and way to late, unless you are a wall street tycoon or some big buddy they like to suck cock for the retards are so impressed, dam you a-holes you fuck the country dry don't you.
You make me sick , my very own US Government you do not work for the average citizen but you cater to big wigs and fat cat's. I am sick of getting fucked over by you, but on it goes. I pray this new Change does something good for the people for a change, because all the red tape and past governments are killing me and thousands of other innocent people, caught in a bureaucratic web of SLOW to NO help.
