Opinion and Facts

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bait and switch?

It has come to a point where my joy, has quickly turned to oh great more of the same. I do not support the bailouts when I see homeless people, that can not get even a used car. The auto industry is complacent in not upgrading its fuel technologies. The auto industry does not help those in need of a good vehicle, continues to produce and fight fuel alternatives, hey government why don't you bail out all us broke citizens first.
I can say that as so many say your future is up to you ,if only you present this front that you have this equipment and this ability, you can have that job, yet there is no one helping the situation. No one footing or providing even basic assistance to the most needy of people, those with no real means to exit a horrible situation but it is okay to help those wealthy people flying in jets.
I am disappointed in the slow and no response to the common man. I am a silent cry falling on deaf ears.
