Opinion and Facts

Monday, May 4, 2009

Dr. Phil , says suck it up,Why Not Citizen bailout $25,000 for every Man, Women and Child!

Watching doctor Phil, makes it seem we all should just take the abuse the system has made. We should all change our lives, roll over and curb our spending. Seriously, it is time we demand retribution from the Government for its blatant frivolity, after all there are only 250,000,000 people in America and it is supposed to be a country which does what the people want, not what we are forced to take.
We are supposed to be able to write our congress, pass legislation, and with 100 million adults on the band wagon we can make a citizen bailout happen.
The U.S. has been giving away trillions to unknown entities and causes, I say they should give $25,000 to each citizen and make the country come to life again. I would say it is fair retribution for all the bad management and overpriced everything.
Then the people don't have to sit around feeling that it is their duty to go through this suffering either. Furthermore the money goes to the far more deserving and neglected not just the elite and selected.
It is so easy for Dr. Phil you stand on a stage and say this is how you could live life suffering, when in fact he should be organizing a grass roots movement called the financial restitution of the American Population. Dr. Phil should use his air time to tell you that you have rights to demand this action and make these claims, the U.S. Citizens deserve it because the Government is out of order and has been out of order and broken for a long time.
Therefore it is only fair that the Citizens get the bailout, for all the pain and suffering heartache and confusion. If Bush could make a $600.00 worthless refund occur, then we should demand $25,000 each, and really change things in this country, if we all demanded it together, we would have to get it too.
So Dr.Phil, yeah you can nurse the suffering and advise people the benefits of coping skills,but the real power of your message is could you mobilize a movement with your tele-evangelical like powers, and really change the system, because we don't have to take this if we organize together.
The other point is why isn't Dr.Phil giving counseling to the arrogant leaders of the country, the ones that can not control there destruction of the World Economy, tell them to suck it up and stop being such destructive idiots in the name of their foolish progress.
