Opinion and Facts

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Republican's Show Signs of the Anti-Christ by definition, as well as Torture and Denial

Put all Human Ethics in the trash, courtesy the Republican Party. The idea of an Anti-Christ is, those who want Power and Greed over the Good of the People. In this case the Republican Party exemplifies the Anti-Christ values, analyzing Republican Actions and Nature, as determined by the Republican Open Destruction of the World Economy and Republican Constant Undermining the Good of the Common People is nothing less than valueless and despicable.
Not only the Republicans destroy the entire World Economy but the Republican arrogance and idiocy to try to blame Democratic efforts to restore the Peace and World Unification.
The Democrats would not have to be paying all these bailouts and stimulus packages if it were not for the Republican idiocy, which has lead to the unraveling of the very fabric of the U.S. and World Economies.
There are so many facts of the Republican (as evaluating the tactics and statements, Republican =American Xenophobes National Front, a Racist, Fascist Party) that disgust the knowledgeable citizen, unfortunately the American, immature and obviously very uneducated, Public is not getting it, those Republicans consistently violated the Geneva Convention and other Anti-Torture Treaties. As America tries to be the World Police, America has once again set an appalling standard and example of breaking well-needed anti-torture laws.
To see the comments made by Republican leaders and Republican valueless methodology, comments by Newt Gingrich, playing ignorant to the Laws, prove he really is a lizard a man out for Greed, comments by McCain prove he is not fit to lead as he thinks these Tortures should just be forgotten and swept under the table, in fact McCain and Gingrich should be impeached, as Republican leaders are really warped beyond ethical and moral standards and are so into their party they even willing too lie and cheat to try to make their points, they are not fit to be believed in, ever.
The rest of the ill, law breaking leaders of the world that violate anti-torture laws and treaties are no better and have no problem to torture, stating that the if the U.S. Can do it, why can't they do the same. Just exactly the reason why it is wrong and was wrong for our country to allow the violation of anti-torture laws to occur. This is the very reason we have to do everything possible to condemn the perpetrators and bring them too trial for war crimes, showing the rest of the world it is not right and these actions of torture will not be tolerated in America or anywhere in the World for that matter.
