Opinion and Facts

Monday, April 20, 2009

Don't Believe the Green Hype

As everyone appears to be jumping on the 'we are so green" band wagon, it is another ploy to trick the average man that something is happening that we are all a part of. Just remember though , it is corporate complacency and years of Government denial, which brings us to where we are at today. Loopholes abound for the corporate environmental executioners, as they have long skirted American pollution Laws by moving to non-controlled areas of the world. Just as so many claim there is a huge water shortage , remember they did nothing to catch the hundreds of millions of gallons of storm run off. To be saving water huge catch basins should have been made and built, but those in charge do nothing to collect the water run off, LAME, and causing prices to sky rocket and a man made creation of a shortage due to lack of catch basins.
There should be a multi pronged attack at water, land and air to be cleaned and purified, it should be funded by the biggest polluters of these three, Huge Corporations, Coal and Oil as well as Government, yet again the brunt of the responsibility is you and me , Mom and Pop America and the young.
We are said to be doing our part yet for decades the Ultra Rich drug companies and big business America skirt the issue and pay billions to have laws passed which help them loophole and screw the rest of us out of a descent environment which could support healthy life and species for a couple hundred more years at least.
The power struggle is again, the richest of companies claim they are green, yet for example Manufacturing and Drug Companies unabated pollution has not been checked or reduced. You hear there is no regulation on this, and ask "HOW CAN THIS BE"? The answer comes back, they pay off a lot of people. Or the whistle blowers could become very hurt. Since the times of the Robber Baron's, To most historians writing on these entrepreneurs, committed thinly veiled acts of larceny to enrich themselves at the expense of their customers. Attempting Social Engineering Rich men which decided they are in charge of the destinies of many men, and political entrepreneurship involved with neomercantilism. Money is the root of all these foul causes. Apparently the way of Ethical Leadership has long disappeared from the scene and does not last long under greedy situations.
As so to the few who are rich enough to get on the green line leave the rest of the world too continue their mass destructive output of carbons. IE, the rest of the world, so the U.S. tries to lead the way into a hopeless world of non followers. All we need to do is see the billion of Asia's great kind people and a Billion of our wonderful Far Eastern Allies, the ten's Millions of Noble African families, and arrogant, coward U.S. Off Shore Companies skirting the law through desertion of Country, that none of them will come around to this green stuff for many decades, at best. so America might lead the way and all these companies might cry we are Green, but just as that one leaking pipe undermines the entire effort of everyone else to conserve water , just as that one oil leaking vessel undermines decades of cleaning up the water, Just as the last storm caused a 500 million gallon oil spill to disappear into the Gulf of Mexico,So too the off shore non conformists will be the undermining of all U.S. efforts to close the pollution gap.
To top that the drugs in the water system nearly 50,000,000 people affected and no regulation of American Drug Companies and their dumping habits, and Jet/Rocket fuel contaminates found in 38 major cities, and known facts about MTBE's of old gas killing hundreds of thousands of birds (The jury found that Lyondell Chemical Company, formerly Atlantic Richfield Chemical Company, Shell Oil Company, and Tosco Corporation, now part of Phillips Petroleum, knew their product was defective but withheld that information from the public when they started selling gasoline boosted with methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE).), the solution oil companies tried to sell was they would create a bacteria which would eat the MTBE's, the Oil Companies fancy themselves monster makers and butchers of the Earth as they covered up and did not want to see the damage their product has caused but now they were going to come up with some unnatural way to resolve the deadly issue. all this stuff is basically ahuge Con Game played by Con Gress of Three Card Monty, try to keep your eye on the moving cards, it is all a slight of hand , a wag the dog, a way to keep the small people placated by the ultimate confusion, you are doing your part now be quite and do not start demanding things be done by corporations , because they do not want to pay for their mistakes.
Also do not forget that thanks to Mercury Amalgam Gold Recovery Techniques, fish through out the world have become contaminated by mercury including Tuna, yet again our Government has not gone aggressively enough to stop this practice, and the result is nothing less than a world wide contamination. Brazil and many other countries are still dumping deadly amounts of mercury into the world's water system.
Ultimately, we should be demanding, that the richest Oil and Coal companies build Air Cleaning systems and just as our water is purified the offending largest polluters should be Scrubbing and recycling air to make it clean and purifying water for the sole purpose of returning it to nature from whence it came as well as changing our power grid systems over to air sustainable wind and solar power.
The current result we are still a defensive Nation, not on the preventative till it is to late. When something breaks fix it, instead it should be we come up with better way's , change the system before it breaks , but here they say it is not broke, when you can plainly see a crack on every level from every side from any angle.
There are many people involved in wanting the change but not demanding enough in the changes to really amount to much, again a silent numb and dumb society America, the lost ,lost its integrity, lost its leadership and lost to the greed of only hand fools of people. we are hoodwinked again ,Too Much, Too Little, Too Late ,a seemingly standard U.S. Government Practice.
