Opinion and Facts

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I live on the Planet of a Strange Species, called Human's but they are nothing more than a Hybrid Simian Ass

I live in a place where people go out of their way to make your life miserable. I live on a planet where others slander and steal good names, make profits on misery , the uninformed, power trip, put greed over good and generally take advantage of the misunderstanding of human nature and the inability to tell the difference between a lie and the truth to name a just few of human susceptibilities. I live in a city where there is no mercy on the weak, the poor, the misinformed, the uneducated and vulnerable. All who can be predators are predators.
I live on a planet with the human , hairless ape although it , our species should be called the hybrid hairless Simian ass. You see on TV the idiocy of our kind, the jealousy and the hatred and the willingness of protocols to be used to undermine the very society we exist in. The person that goes out of their way to cause trouble to anyone they deem different and do not like for their own shallow ways, they work at undermining the others all day and all night they are relentless until they are committing crimes themselves against the innocent in the name of their lies, it is a form of terror and perpetrated against people everyday on all sorts of levels.
This is our species, as we sit on a planet and let it be destroyed before our very eyes and yet we go on about our daily tasks as if that is more important than saving the creatures and the future of our planet. We marvel over shiny new things, yet make it hard to acquire a good steady life, yet if you are from a privileged house it is all so well expected and given , granted. While others are left out of the success circle.
We are a strange breed us humans as we have come out of the dark age of ignorance into the modern age of greed and the ignorant. Things are way to complicated for the average man , things are to difficult for the intellectuals, yet try to explain a complicated thing to the people and no one seems to get their head around complex ideas as a whole only a few having an actual correct interpretation yet with little result as the rest can not understand the facts. As a civilization we are allowing ourselves to be led to the demise of our societies, the hatreds and misunderstandings between us, the continued escalation in war machines of unstable nations. It is a shame this waste and burdened toil we have brought upon ourselves, it should be a crime, the price we have made ourselves pay for our own little plot of existence.
Those that walk, what they think is easy street, those that are the human ostrich , their heads in a hole in the dirt, not seeing the real problem, does not make it go away. Yet so many people, so many ideas, that so many misinformed, biased opinions and so many outcomes.
What is going on as so many sit around in expensive projects with our money, we had to give them, and they did nothing to prevent something bad from happening, no contrary they did everything they could to make sure everything got messed up as much as possible.
Yes when I saw the movie "The Planet of the Apes" I thought what a concept, the ape creatures, yet in reality we are the semi-hairless apes, although the way the human species carries on we really are a species of Simian Asses, as we treat each other in the worst possible way. We each say our way is the best way and we know for sure, when in fact we don't know anything for sure and on a whole, we just go by what others have told us, take that for fact and then we go and impose our false reasoning, our incorrect will on others, based on the tainted, misinformation provided and then we continue to live in that lie when everything about the very concept itself has been corrupted from the start.
This is the sickness of our society, add on the petty bickering and the fear of each other as we can witness the violence of the Hairless Simian Ass everyday on almost every TV station. The wish and desire for the hairless Simian Ass to dominate everything and all you get from that is we are the most arrogant and selfish stupid and shallow, wasteful and treacherous creatures on this planet.
People say things like if it ain't broke don't fix it, yet they are breaking the planet and denying it being broken. People everywhere are poisoning the water and the air and denying it, they are selling death in a box named tobacco yet they are insisting that is OK. They sit by and let genocide's occur then they blame the one's who are dead and dying. They bow before the mega rich but they don't question the pies that the hands are in.
Well its well broken and they are trying to repair it all with some duct tape, an old broken steel coat hanger, some string and some used chewing gum, truly the nature of the simian asses, we are destined for hell and high water, due to Polar decline and we only have ourselves, allowing greed to flourish over intelligence, our selfishness, and lack of human unification, and failure to appoint ethical leaders that want the best for all, not just the rich few. The end result of all this maltreatment of each other and toxic waste on the planet will be, life on Earth ,not as we could have had it , yet always trying to get back what we once had.
