Opinion and Facts

Saturday, April 25, 2009

A flu multi virus, a man made CDC terror, another terrorist plot to fear the Public

A recent announcement states this flu might not have the punch of a real pandemic flu, although it spreads fast as other flu's death rates might only equal average flu seasons.
Are the fear mongers pulling a fast one? What was the purpose of this "WAG THE DOG"?
Well again we will wait and see and pray for the best.
Just as all seems well, the scientist have said the swine flu is a multi flu, in other words it is made up of swine, avian, human flu and mixed somehow to a hybrid flu. In my Opinion this is nothing less than a biological weapon/agent, note I am not a Physician.
I would not have put it past anyone, that this is an American or Terrorist sympathizer or Dissented Scientist similar to the Scientist that released the Anthrax on America not to many years ago. There could be a man made epidemic, just as there are disgruntled opposition to American Imperialist Powers and Authority, I would not put it beyond the scope of Americans trying to disrupt once again the state of the World balance and Economic Recovery. This is nothing less than a form of terrorist Plot similar to the release and spread of the AIDS virus, a fear technique on the psyche of the American and World public.
A multi-strain virus. The original reports stated it attacks healthy people, not just the young and old, it has killed 8% of its victims. Yet the fact is the reports are never accurate and grossly understated, probably closer to 10% death rates, which means 100 dead for every thousand.
Many recent reports of American owned Swine Farms in or near Vera Cruz are the source of the outbreak. There is only one thing to say and that is American companies can easily buy off third world inspectors, the reason they move out of the U.S. is to skirt tough anti-pollution laws. It would not surprise me at all if it were an American Pig Farms on Foreign soil have created this pandemic, because of once again corporate greed over the safety of the common man.
If those statistics are true, then this could be a very devastating flu season, or should I say some form of terrorist attack. There might not be a way for this to be stopped, and if the reaction to Katrina was slow, imagine, what this could be like. We all will know within a few weeks. Good Luck everyone, here come the modern day plague. Be healthy and avoid contact. Please do not count out the fact that this is a man made Pandemic, of a man made virus. Also do not count on the facts that your Government is giving you, they always try to make something seem it is much less important than it really is. Thanks that it was not.
