Opinion and Facts

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Seems to Perfect

The Illuminati are real, they are behind the demise of the US and world economy, then come out with a movie that makes them seem a joke, yet the US just throws away 700 Billion dollars, and conveniently a nuclear threat pops up to scare people so they forget about the skull and bones Illuminati connection and their desire to grab up the globalization profits, as they have been undermining the US for decades now, to boot the Bilderberg Group and G 8 they are all part of the Illuminati out to rule whatever will be left over of the world they are so wanting to and succeeding too destroy, right before our eyes, and yeah its to perfect, they are so getting away with it, I guess all that under education of America is really paying off for them. We have been as the term is perfect, Royally Screwed. And dam know for sure they don't care if a Nuk goes off at this point, they are heading for Martial Law, and best be assured it won't be the elite who get an A bomb dropped on their head, it will be you and I and probably just considered collateral damage, the Ultra Rich Illuminati don't care about, us, the World Environment, extinction of species or death of the Planet and economy as has been known, it means nothing to them, all that matters is the Illuminati desire for World Domination and insatiable greed.
