Opinion and Facts

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Americans, lost the Plot and lost Common Morality

I was beyond flabbergasted when on Lou Dobbs, a poll taken of average Americans stated 86% would approve torture and only 14% would be opposed, to gain info to prevent a future attack.
 When a country so deems itself beyond moral reproach it truly has a lost and misguided society. I find this out, but it is so evident that America does not really have an intellectual grasp at many things, America has allowed itself to be duped and the citizens on the poll statistics have no moral compass, a fact which is more self evident as to the allowed destructive nature of American families and homes, again as long as they are all OK , they can still turn a blind eye to the reality of the entire scenario, even disregarding known conspiracy theories just to keep up the blinded raging hate against the individuals that carried out the attacks and still applying false blame to those in power that possibly, caused it, as they see themselves as a modern day extension of the Churches Praetorian Guard,  or even prevented it.
 I will cite several flaws in the theory that those terrorists acted alone, that the WTC was pre-rigged to blow up,  and the devastation which occurred to those buildings could not have been accomplished by plane crashes alone.
 Remember the entire country was pulled into a war based on false information, now we have an entire group of misinformed poll takers making statements they are ready to break anti-torture laws and break Geneva convention agreements to illicit false statements from liars. How much more stupid can this country sound? I am embarrassed at lack of moral standard most Americans have sunk too, America the Xenophobe State, lost touch with the rest of the World and propagates the hate, oh yeah we still score lowest in the world in Academic testing, which includes lower than all third world countries.
