Opinion and Facts

Friday, May 15, 2009

The United States of New Latin America!

I am very impressed with the outstanding success many Latino's have achieved here in America.
I respect Latino's and their varied and interesting cultures and recipes. I am disappointed in the system as much as there is a perpetual attempt at undermining the pay scales of the American worker. I believe everyone has rights, but I also see that the rights are being abused by some that do not follow the rules, but this Country provides a bad example as seen in the events and non ethical conduct of the American Government. I speak some Spanish and think it is a great language. I do not care if people do not want to learn English.
I work at a company that most of the employee's don't speak English. They are legal and illegal to work here but they do not try to speak English. Most of them work for very little money, so they are always hired before me. When there is a lot of work I will be called onto a job. There are many workers that see me as a threat that I will become the boss soon, so many people work against me and hinder my progress a lot.
The Latino Speaking workers of South and Central American heritage out work the average North American of Euro Ancestry. The Latino's I work with keep going and going, some have a 6th to 8th grade educations, some have more or less education, but in the trades, they are pretty good at what they do, and I enjoy working with them.
Many Latino's send the small money they make back to their country, where for no money compared to here, they become property and house owners, but here you could never achieve the purchasing power on the wages paid.
The Latino's I have met on the job are hard working people, they are more proud of being latino than they are of their true heritage, with a never stop attitude when it comes too work, when I think of American Unions, they are the exact opposite of demanding rights for the worker not to be overworked.
I have found to be true of SOME of our friends from south of the border, they have little respect for human rights, Latino's have little respect for human or animal life, tho they have huge families, they have little respect for peoples property, they have little respect for following rules, I am upset that I have seen the following occur for years at Bally Health Clubs in Los Angeles, I mean they think a public pool is a place to do their laundry, Latino's think the Jacuzzi is to wash your dirty underwear in, the public Sauna is a good place to shave and the public shower is a good place for Latinos to show off their erections and to publicly masturbate, even though there are signs posted in English and in Spanish , they ignore the rules, they carry on like rabid mongrels when you point out to them that the Jacuzzi is not for your laundry and don't exfoliate or shave in a public sauna,they go vato loco and have "machismo" issues if you point out the unhygienic practices, and disgusting and vulgar displays they are committing, although I do not want to stereotype, because they are not the only ones that do not respect the Club Rules,I need to state that there are many good people too, and that the percentage is probably and most likely equal across the spectrum of People which are members at Bally's.

Yet we all need to work and make the money it is just that here they are undercutting the possibility for a descent wage, all don't speak English but somehow legal and illegal yet able to work here and still take work away from me who is born here and force me to take less money if I want to work.
Many of new immigrants have better credit ratings due to the fact they have never had credit and are granted a better rating then me as I cannot get a newer vehicle due to having had no health insurance when I visited the hospital for injuries and unfortunately could never pay the huge bill, and lost it with a credit card or two, thus ruining my credit, but they all seem to be able to get descent credit and newer vehicles.
I don't understand though how so many illegal immigrants are able to work in this country and not pay taxes, or pay on fake tax numbers. I pay my taxes, I still am constantly hassled by the IRS. Undocumented workers can all operate on fake tax numbers, they don't pay the tax or they do and no one ever bothers them. Illegals can easily incorporate and use the corporate tax number and they are protected.
This country the way it is going is this will be a new extension of modern South and Central America, so we might as well change the name of The United States of America to The United States of New Latin America.
I still happen to like Latino People and I really enjoy Mexican Food and food from South and Central America is very tasty and filling. All People Should be highly respected, the thing is they should have to follow the laws like the rest of us. So I am really unsure what to think because there is no one to complain to. I do not mind that they work here but I feel I get the short end of the stick because they will work for less money than me, I can not figure out though how they get by when If I make less than a certain amount I can not afford to live here either.
Mostly because the American legal system does not enforce, support, confront or defend illegal immigration laws. A few years ago I thought I would have more of a chance to get more work if there was enforcement of the laws but in California and the rest of the Country, do not seem to really be concerned about enforcing the immigration laws and penalties to employers which hire illegals.
