Opinion and Facts

Thursday, May 21, 2009

We are products , programmed , and limited

The human condition: a programming , a brain washing. We are nothing more than what we know or learned. Humans defend till the end what they believe never to concerned if they have all the facts, just content in their faith. Blind faith rules the Earth bound human. Greed has planted itself over what is best, Organized groups fight to keep others under subjugation. We are all to confounded to see through the constantly perpetrated plot against us. We were lied to for to long by a Government that only wanted for the destruction of the social infra-structure, an lo and behold dam they have succeeded against the masses and for whatever reason chose some very few to have all the money and the majority of the populous to have without. A society of the haves verse the have not's. What is their gain , as they desire domination over the needy, they desire us to be drained of our every dollar and cent. What great misdeed have they enacted against us. Yet for them they think it right, but for us we do not question, yet here we are still believing they are trying to help us , what lies we believe and here they keep on coming, in the guise they are trying to help, what lies what lies, there is no real help, it is only more of their lies.
