Opinion and Facts

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The attempted shift of what is important and who is responsible, although Is Speaker Nancy Pelosi a Push Over?

After voting for Speaker Nancy Pelosi , after the fact, tactics. , Her dear in the headlights in her eyes, do not give me much confidence sometimes .
How could Senator Feinstein say in an interview, I have known Pelosi for 30, 40, 50 years, that is a lot of years that seem to be confused , which is it? Obviously, Senator Feinstein is no Einstein when it comes to numbers.("Equations are more important to me, because politics is for the present, but an equation is something for eternity."Albert Einstein) Senator Feinstein stated her and Speaker Nancy Pelosi are from the same party and Speaker Nancy Pelosi never lies, yet Senator Feinstein does not even know the exact amount of years they have known each other and is she just trying to protect the party?. I am not calling Speaker Nancy Pelosi a liar yet Speaker Nancy Pelosi seems out of touch with the common people, she seems more like an aristocrat wanna be, rather than a publicly elected official, interested in the best for the public and for the country, the more I watch her public performances,with her smirk, plastered on smile, the more I think she a political push over playing politics over common sense and trying to lead the democratic party rather than being a leader, as she had stated she does not have the ability to prevent her from being a push over.
The fact is Speaker Nancy Pelosi would be hard pressed to have stopped the actions of the Bush Administration. Another Point is what about all the WMD lies that were presented and what about the fact the intelligence committee operates on deception, so to her defense as well she did not carry out the tortures and I beleive that the facts could have been verbally distorted.
To also note Speaker Nancy Pelosi is the least concern of the entire point, the facts of torture violations are there. The Bush Administration allowed torture, violating anti- torture and Geneva Convention Laws, The Bush Administration should be held responsible, this is a Republican "WAG THE DOG" being played on Speaker Nancy Pelosi, but her mistake is in her apparent not knowing how to deal with the situation from a strength position, and perhaps but not certain of letting politics as usual occur without speaking up sooner and that is all.
Recent comments by Newt Gingrich are ridiculous due to the fact he has already been proven to violate ethics committees and he had been suspended for such actions.
