Opinion and Facts

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Operation Illuminati , unhindered by the people appointed to protect us.

How is it after all the warnings and direct connection to Skull and Bones, the Illuminati operate unhindered in the US and throughout the world? How is it that the Illuminati plans have come to fruition right before our very eyes and no Federal Bureau has been able to prevent or catch the destruction of the US and world economy. How is it these things go unhindered and still are being carried out at this very moment. It is a sad day when we have allowed this evil to be perpetrated against us , and we are fools to let it continue, yet there it is everyday, the Illuminati have pulled off the scam of the century, you think you are mad at Madoff when you should be furious at the way the Government has so easily set up the largest ponzi scheme on the planet, the government has been allowed to operate with hidden agendas , depleting the US economy, and buying in on a front seat to the globalization of all economies, solely for the benefit of an elite few and surely for the detriment of the masses, the Illuminati plan from the word go, there will be no justice.
