Opinion and Facts

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Stupid people everywhere, a Country of idiots, an out of date judgicial system, tainted juries , criminals go unpunished and the innocent get executed

Where in the world , no where but dumbville and stupid town america can you see , cold blooded killers , get away with murder, by simply lying about the facts and to someone who can follow the eye movements of the killers one could tell how much the lie is , but a bunch of hillbilly unaware and apparently murderous sympathizers , all I can say is there is a flaw in the justice system , the sick inability for someone to tell the difference between a lie and the truth is why there should be more effective ways to obtain the truth from liars. In a country where murder and mayhem goes on unobstructed and unhindered and a slap in the face to law enforcement and honest concerned citizens, something needs to be done to protect the innocent,but instead the guilty are getting away with murder and the innocent are being murdered and falsely accused, while the guilty are getting away with crimes and hurting people. I am upset after seeing someone get away with murder, as this countries law system is far beyond broken and far favors the rich , and is still an unfair justice being carried out through out the country as many get away with all sorts of nasty criminal activity, there is no redemption or vindication for the real truth as america is dumbfounded by its subjective truth, a sick display of the ignorance of our species, we as a human race are simply put a bunch of idiots with no real clue of what real truth is, and still no way to really find out the absolute universal truth , but these dumb americans are loving to live and accept their subjective truth which is nothing more than their believable lie, what idiocy and that's the bottom line.
