Opinion and Facts

Monday, February 23, 2009

A true corruption of power, a country with a game on words, a real flaw in human nature, a land of everyone for themselves and no one for everyone.

Again a pure demonstration of how important everyone thinks they are as government bickering and questioning really does not accomplish anything. A country of worthless opinions , a system which has long been corrupted and broken, a system built for the rich and elite only, a system long run by hypocrite's a country based on fear mongering, keeping people uninformed and breaking the very system through an unbelievable idiocy of past republican governments.
As many now suffer at the folly of fools leading the foolish, it is evident that only some will be helped while others are left to fend for themselves, having little or nothing to turn too as there is no relief in site. It is not only the loss of Ice for the North but it has the loss of ground for generations to come. The foolishness of the views of a split party seems to be more pandering to a future vote rather than the here and now. Yet here we are being mad dogged by a bunch of fools. The previous Republican government left a path of obliterated justice, a destruction of the world economy, and now they continue with their immature bickering, a sign that they are really not for the people, as we have seen the sick operation and result of republicans gone amok.
