Opinion and Facts

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A messed up Country, Government can bankrupt itself but citizens can't drive without 6 seperate fee's

I am a bit pissed today as , California does not offer extension stickers unless you only need to move your car for a day, ridiculous, first of course you need plates,then insurance, then you need to pay for a smog check, then you can get your sticker for the year, you must pay any parking tickets first too., even if they are given because you are waiting to pass the smog and when you are parked on the street the quota hunter parking Nazis look for the easy tickets to give out, then when you are driving the cops will pull you over , give you a ticket and then just for kicks they will do it again and again, meanwhile , the place closes before I get off work and is not open on weekends, what a screwed up system this country has created land of if you just don't have tons of money they are going to make sure you wont fare well.
