Opinion and Facts

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Anti abortionist's they only care about baby life and no one elses, they are as childish as their lop sided cause.

Sure republicans can say they are right to lifers but their history implies after you are born, we are done trying to help you live. Anti abortionists if you were so into life which you are obviously not or else you would be able to help other people other than babies live. Once you are past baby age it seems they don't care if you are jobless, homeless, suffering from some illness or in financial,emotional or educational , need your life means nothing to them , they don't care if you fall by the way side , slip through the cracks or end up in prison where they leave you to rot , because they gave you no chance at being able to earn or have a descent life. But they all are there trying to make sure you get born, but after that screw it they obviously do not give a dam what happens to you. Again what idiocy and hypocrisy exist in the republican agenda, sure say you are right to life which we all should have, but then give up on helping our society achieve an equal financial balance, and destroy the financial stability in the name of your hidden greed and out of balance ideology. It seems you play a card that does not show a balance of an idea , not only a right to life, but it should be the right to a descent life, and that obviously is something the republican party and extremist right to lifers seem to be missing, we all should have a right to a descent life but yet you let disparity abound, pure republican hypocrisy at its best.
