Opinion and Facts

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I pray for saftey of my country and everyone that is good!

Today I see a great irreplaceable operator of a machine long overdue
for this overhaul. I call upon all good forces to provide the most
outstanding protection for this great traveler of time and space,
this pioneer , this true modern day navigator of these treacherous
lands and seas. I see a great commander with a refreshing wisdom, that I admire, respect and for which I have a sincere adoration as a witness to your bravery, courage and selfless service.
Yet at the same time I see an evil force which is allowed to operate and exists within our borders, it is an evil, a jealousy, a corruption and greed which has rooted itself in our very government, pentagon and country and gone unhindered by congress and judges. I see the strangle hold of greed, back door deals and secret handshakes and secret organizations, which allow a continued corruption, and the animals which run it pretending to be men. The true beasts are the lizard brains of animal men trying to pass themselves off as humans. They are the evil beasts, with their own secret agendas and protocols, which live amongst us, trying to steal away a bright future from the true G-d fearing people of this and many lands.
I see that there can not be a split second of error , there can not be a step
out of time, for this great clock must be fine running and
uninterrupted. There can not be a pirate, a scallywag, assassin or thief which
takes away one iota of this great, and wonderful invaluable moment. My devotion and
heartfelt prayer an oath of safety at every turn of protection at
every step of security of the highest level for this I stand by and to
you I look for the light on the hill which will guide me through these
bleakest of times. For you to stand up to the nay sayers, bullies, skeptics, mercenaries and
traitors, you are greater than great , braver than brave, stonger than strong, you are the true beacon of this time, a proclamation, my life I give to my country and my country tis of thee, for your safe keep, I will pray and pray and not a day an hour a minute or even
second shall pass that will go unnoticed I will be on guard for your
protection on every block on every street from every point parcel and
hectare your safety is my greatest concern. Oh G-d of heaven and earth
I pray this day and everyday for the protection of all good people and
good leaders everywhere, may we be safe under a watchful eye, and may
your light endure throughout our time. G-d please bless those of
pure heart and pure great thoughts, always of good always for the benefit of all the people.
