Opinion and Facts

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Religious thieves, not only have they stolen the precepts,they have perverted them too

Today is the day that the truth must be told, the truth of the thieving of Judaism by impostor religions such as Christianity/Catholicism and Mohammedanism. Now please don't get me wrong , all people should be loved but not if they are trying to kill you or hurt you,but the chronology is all you need for proof. The seven deadly sins produced the content of Christianity/Catholicism and Mohammedanism, truly forms of Anti-Semitism calling itself religions. At this point in time the two cult off shoots  of the Jewish Religion are quite obvious to people that are really trying to pay attention and those that study it. The Seven deadly Sins as phrased by the Church are exactly what is being perpetrated against the Jewish people by the Church and by the Arab world. Just as the brothers were Jealous of the other ie: Cain and Abel, ie. Joseph, so too the other religions are poised to to be the spiteful brother, the constant jealous other, the cry babies that did not get the attention they wanted so they created a deep hate and resentment for a true thieving of the Judaic religion , and as the Masses grow they sell more and more that they are what the other was and because man can be as sordid and horrible a creature as can exist so too with the jealousy , hatred, covetous, desire to be mans glory to man and call it devotion to G-d. What a heretical world full of out right idiocy and obstruction of truth, and continued plagiarism of the Jewish religion. By all means please believe in the Almighty G-d, but please practice the ten commandments too , one which includes do not steal, that includes stealing a religion, do not kill that includes not killing, do not covet, that includes stop ripping off the Jews, and well you know the rest, if the whole world just simply believes in G-d which by all means it should, then we should simply practice the ten commandments and then we should all get along, but those who use these things to kill the other than there is no salvation for anyone, for our salvation can be all of us getting along here and now we , us depending on us and trusting us together, us being us , the whole world, we can be our own salvation, we can be our own redeemers we can be the love we are looking for and the guidance we seek, if we had such great peace and harmony here we could create a paradise on earth which we could all share, something to which the Holy One blessed be he, would be proud of the fact that his children could get along on a planet called earth. I am not a dreamer I believe we can all love and help each other but first we have to give up our hatreds and differences , we could really have a great earth and a shared society of all races and religions, but we have to stop despising each other first. Well I pray that this could one day be, a planet of human kinship and peace.

Monday, February 23, 2009

A true corruption of power, a country with a game on words, a real flaw in human nature, a land of everyone for themselves and no one for everyone.

Again a pure demonstration of how important everyone thinks they are as government bickering and questioning really does not accomplish anything. A country of worthless opinions , a system which has long been corrupted and broken, a system built for the rich and elite only, a system long run by hypocrite's a country based on fear mongering, keeping people uninformed and breaking the very system through an unbelievable idiocy of past republican governments.
As many now suffer at the folly of fools leading the foolish, it is evident that only some will be helped while others are left to fend for themselves, having little or nothing to turn too as there is no relief in site. It is not only the loss of Ice for the North but it has the loss of ground for generations to come. The foolishness of the views of a split party seems to be more pandering to a future vote rather than the here and now. Yet here we are being mad dogged by a bunch of fools. The previous Republican government left a path of obliterated justice, a destruction of the world economy, and now they continue with their immature bickering, a sign that they are really not for the people, as we have seen the sick operation and result of republicans gone amok.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A messed up Country, Government can bankrupt itself but citizens can't drive without 6 seperate fee's

I am a bit pissed today as , California does not offer extension stickers unless you only need to move your car for a day, ridiculous, first of course you need plates,then insurance, then you need to pay for a smog check, then you can get your sticker for the year, you must pay any parking tickets first too., even if they are given because you are waiting to pass the smog and when you are parked on the street the quota hunter parking Nazis look for the easy tickets to give out, then when you are driving the cops will pull you over , give you a ticket and then just for kicks they will do it again and again, meanwhile , the place closes before I get off work and is not open on weekends, what a screwed up system this country has created land of if you just don't have tons of money they are going to make sure you wont fare well.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Republican dirt bags bailouts for corporate America and a big no for Citizen America

The Republican are crying about the Stimulus package , they are spineless political dogs,sitting back to try to take control if there is a failure. Republicans led the way to the destruction of the economy as we knew it, then they give away 800 billion for corporations, with no checks and balances , is just another point in the evidence of the two faced republican party which is basically a yea for corporate American and a ney for citizen America. What a screw the country party they are called republicans., the Republicans should be known as the lamest party of all time and what is left of the republican party is nothing less the an American National Front, a racist fascist, corporate lovers party, not for the citizens but the republicans simply put try to trick the American Public, Republicans=losers.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Stupid people everywhere, a Country of idiots, an out of date judgicial system, tainted juries , criminals go unpunished and the innocent get executed

Where in the world , no where but dumbville and stupid town america can you see , cold blooded killers , get away with murder, by simply lying about the facts and to someone who can follow the eye movements of the killers one could tell how much the lie is , but a bunch of hillbilly unaware and apparently murderous sympathizers , all I can say is there is a flaw in the justice system , the sick inability for someone to tell the difference between a lie and the truth is why there should be more effective ways to obtain the truth from liars. In a country where murder and mayhem goes on unobstructed and unhindered and a slap in the face to law enforcement and honest concerned citizens, something needs to be done to protect the innocent,but instead the guilty are getting away with murder and the innocent are being murdered and falsely accused, while the guilty are getting away with crimes and hurting people. I am upset after seeing someone get away with murder, as this countries law system is far beyond broken and far favors the rich , and is still an unfair justice being carried out through out the country as many get away with all sorts of nasty criminal activity, there is no redemption or vindication for the real truth as america is dumbfounded by its subjective truth, a sick display of the ignorance of our species, we as a human race are simply put a bunch of idiots with no real clue of what real truth is, and still no way to really find out the absolute universal truth , but these dumb americans are loving to live and accept their subjective truth which is nothing more than their believable lie, what idiocy and that's the bottom line.
