Opinion and Facts

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Cash for Clunkers =Cash for Corporations

Once again our country is ripped off by cash for clunkers. You don't get the $4500 , because Uncle Sam gives it to corporations, once again proving Uncle Sam is a corporate cronie.
Instead of giving the money to the citizens Uncle Sam will give it to the car company and make sure you are in debt another 20 to 30 thousand.
If they would give me the cash I could just go out and by a used car with better mileage and not be in debt.
Furthermore why would I want to buy a crap car made in America, a car which our very government has allowed these car makers to create defective, unenvironmentally safe, and inefficient vehicle, which have built in obsolescence factors, that should be criminal on its own standings. There should have been stronger more ethical evaluations of these corporate thieves and our appearently complacent government.
The good ol USA a government that is nothing more than a corporate whore. Prostitution to the highest bidder, that is our current government in action. Add to that the wealthy cult freaks trying to be the salvation but in actuality the results they are getting makes it seem they are still hell bent misled, false idol worshippers with racist fascist chaos wielding ideals, trying to undermine a unification of people.
