Opinion and Facts

Sunday, July 5, 2009

my research simplified

Please Review my image research click on the GREY/BLUE ."JPG" portion at the end of the comment, this will take you to the original image, and I hope the links work for you to the Archive. Please Read My Blogs at http://www.myspace.com/realmarslife
I also have some videos there which I intend to reshoot soon , but at least I discuss some ideas  concerning the images.
Thank You for your time,
Dan Moss
You too can look up the originals by copying or typing the name of the .JPG into Search Engine. archive http://marsrovers.nasa.gov/gallery/

Carved Rocks and Hieroglyphs on Rocks 2P133646803EFF2232P2361L7M1.JPG

2P133646779EFF2232P2361R1M1.JPG second angle first image on page one

Next is similar stone 2N132943059EFF2100P1845R0M1.JPG

Note: Same rock in previous image.Carved Rocks and hand tools of some sort resembling bird 2P132483157EFF1800P2291L5M1.JPG

Birds head carved in stone 2P133911015ESF2232P2597L6M1.JPG

A rock giant penguin man and a very ornately carved object ,hand holding circle and much more 2N134092487EFF2300P1838L0M1.JPG

2N134093154EFF2300P1846L0M1.JPG second angle of Penguin Man Rock + a mars cow sculpture on Mars, and hand and laser cut rock

face carved in stone, hieroglyphs, animal with tube and hand and star carved on shoulder 2N134183464EFF2400P1846L0M1.JPG

2P132217663EFF1600P2283L6M1.JPG well this says so much there are hieroglyphs and triangles , a grave carved in stone, a pillar a mask 

head stones and so much more , duplicate alien skulls in image 2P140214856EFF6800P2372L7M1.JPG

a stone head carved cyclops with space hat and a humanoid face stone 2P135429575EFF2900P2380L2M1.JPG

One live and two dead Mars Rodents 2P133475195EFF2232P2587R5M1.JPG

Alien Body Found and Reconstructed from parts in image 2P134971715EFF2700P2760L4M1.JPG

many carved stones and animal.. Note alien skull in next image stone carving of head 2P135942911EFF3200P2392L2M1.JPG

2N132580564EFF1800P1948R0M1.JPG Alien Skull cvarved in rock in previous image

close up of previous image 2P132499466EFF1800P2288L2M1.JPG

Strange things under rock all you have to do is bring the light levels up 2P132404979EFF1800P2287L2M1.JPG

we did not send this there, and strange object on right too 2P133210268ESF2232P2358L6M1.JPG

Can You Say Perfect Pyramid on Mars, You can now , say it. 2N132942660EFF2100P1845R0M1.JPG

my what a strange carved and polished stone 2P132395769EFF1800P2284R2M1.JPG

2P127166982EFF0211P2213L2M1.JPG What can I say other than hybrid  skull?

2P127167365EFF0211P2213L2M1.JPG Nice yes, Can you say rectangular hole? cut in some ? rock material?

2P133029221EFF2200P2354L7M1.JPG first angle compare to next angle and object remains constant

2P133029454EFF2200P2354L7M1.JPG second angle of same object

strange geometric opening, strange pieces on ground 2P131688960EFF1155P2217R7M1.JPG

Strange object on ground NASA said this is their nosecone but I dont think so :note skid landing 1P137691267EFF2222P2363R1M1.JPG

Note no antenna yet in previous image deployed 1P137691267EFF2222P2363L7M1.JPG




Dan Moss 2009 ©
