Opinion and Facts

Friday, June 12, 2009

To afraid to send this, even though it is fair statements

I was recently asked to sign the hope letter , I was to afraid to write this in the box where it said add your comment here.
My Comment:
I am wondering if you can give me a bailout, why do you bail out corporations and not people? Please leave Israel alone, a two state solution ? That will not work for long if you listen to the war the Arabs still want to attack Israel, You might as well form a two state solution in Pakistan one for the Taliban and one for the Pakistan, you see the war there that is what is going to happen. Are you really for change or is it just more of the same, full steam ahead, the naive American, Misled, Public still can't tell the difference, we are down the tubes and there is no one still really, really trying to fix it..
