Opinion and Facts

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

In a World where Greed overtook Life

In the World today there is something seriously wrong, unfortunately it is to late for fixing. We live in a World of Mom's and Pop's and lil' Jill's and Joe's being run by a Government that offers a fake apple pie and we all lined up for a slice ala mode. A Government that has corrupted itself with no checks and balances, a type of citizen that is brainwashed to think there are people looking out for our best interests, but there is not. There is only the leaders that are looking out for their own best interest and therefore the Government has poisoned the apple pie and feeding it to the world. The brain capacity of the average American just can't get their head around it. Further and farther than ever before the corruption has blanketed the Globe. The Elite Ruling class will go on financially uneffected., while they enacted their evil plan's to drain and destroy America from the inside out and so they have, yes , so they have. Dam you unethical rich people, it must give you great joy to fool the masses, it must give you great pleasure to watch us suffer, it must be a truly disgusting greed from which you perpetrate your satanic actions, even able to control the very news which does not report it. Although it might seem you are getting away with your evil rewards, the thing is you are pure evil, so this is the war of good against evil, and so far it seems you are winning, but hear me now, good will triumph over evil even if it means this World is already destroyed as we knew it, a universal objective good will live on forever.
