Opinion and Facts

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Its Heartbreaking but it happens in America everyday and we except it as status quo

Iranians have no legitimacy ?
Americans have no legitimacy when we want to know where 700 billion dollars went
Iran has no legitimacy, because of their election?
America had an election Gore vs. Bush everyone knows it was fixed and Gore really won the election.
America has bankrupted the World and US Economy ripped off millions from millions of Americans and no one is being prosecuted and no one is getting their money back either.
Iranians have no legitimacy? But in America the Car companies have sold an inferior product to the public, America allows toxic dumping of drugs and waste into the water system, America lets a poison be sold on its market , a poison that kills millions, it is called tobacco but because the modern fascist America is true Corporatism= the marriage of Corporations and Government.
Drug companies are nothing but dollar signs and further evidence the US Government is complacent and willing to drug the entire Nation. These drugs were never needed before.
Now our country stands bye and points fingers but the old saying applies to America to when you point a finger at someone or something , you are pointing four back at yourself.
The other issue is America runs into war when what there is no WMD, but as they sat by and watched the DKRP North Korea turn into the Nuclear Power they did nothing to stop them, Whats up America you only care to make a War with a Country that has oil? Yes I think so!
You will be bullied by North Korea with nothing but rhetoric, you will respond with nothing but rhetoric, whats up America not enough oil? Further more all this press coverage about the poor leaders of the world, while the previous Government under Bush and Cheney completely violated so many laws and freedoms, that perhaps it is reprehensible yet not only that but we have not prosecuted anyone. I saw a report about software that Iranians use to follow its citizens, well wake up America your Government has been tapping every phone call in the Country, from here to the UK, but gosh they are so wrong if Iran uses it but America uses it everyday.
Americas National Interests where pretty much destroyed and all this stuff is a nice way to lose focus on how the rich and greedy have got away Scott free after destroying this Country from the inside out. If America had guts like the Iranians I am sure we would see such violence on our own streets and we would be right to protest the American Leaderships actions of Lies, and blatant thieving of the American Economic Stability.
Again the misled American public is really missing the point of all this because in reality worse thing are being committed in our own country but we all think it is normal, well it is not, this Country is broken and , all the rest of you are 'WAG THE DOG" with the rest of the world, Start caring more about our backyard and maybe we wont continue to be ripped off, but I know for sure that is not going to happen anytime soon.

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Friday, June 12, 2009

To afraid to send this, even though it is fair statements

I was recently asked to sign the hope letter , I was to afraid to write this in the box where it said add your comment here.
My Comment:
I am wondering if you can give me a bailout, why do you bail out corporations and not people? Please leave Israel alone, a two state solution ? That will not work for long if you listen to the war the Arabs still want to attack Israel, You might as well form a two state solution in Pakistan one for the Taliban and one for the Pakistan, you see the war there that is what is going to happen. Are you really for change or is it just more of the same, full steam ahead, the naive American, Misled, Public still can't tell the difference, we are down the tubes and there is no one still really, really trying to fix it..

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

In a World where Greed overtook Life

In the World today there is something seriously wrong, unfortunately it is to late for fixing. We live in a World of Mom's and Pop's and lil' Jill's and Joe's being run by a Government that offers a fake apple pie and we all lined up for a slice ala mode. A Government that has corrupted itself with no checks and balances, a type of citizen that is brainwashed to think there are people looking out for our best interests, but there is not. There is only the leaders that are looking out for their own best interest and therefore the Government has poisoned the apple pie and feeding it to the world. The brain capacity of the average American just can't get their head around it. Further and farther than ever before the corruption has blanketed the Globe. The Elite Ruling class will go on financially uneffected., while they enacted their evil plan's to drain and destroy America from the inside out and so they have, yes , so they have. Dam you unethical rich people, it must give you great joy to fool the masses, it must give you great pleasure to watch us suffer, it must be a truly disgusting greed from which you perpetrate your satanic actions, even able to control the very news which does not report it. Although it might seem you are getting away with your evil rewards, the thing is you are pure evil, so this is the war of good against evil, and so far it seems you are winning, but hear me now, good will triumph over evil even if it means this World is already destroyed as we knew it, a universal objective good will live on forever.

Monday, June 1, 2009

America, Land of Wag the Dog

America seems so wrapped up in Gay politics and right to life, that many Americans are missing the point of what is really important to our civilization. Obviously so many Americans are solely interested only in what seems to be pertaining to only them, meanwhile the Government is continuing to foolishly waste American tax payer money, another fact is the Government is giving three times the entire education budget to a failing auto company. The blatant exhibition of The U.S. Government to undermine, and underpaid education of American students, begs to question once again the loyalty of our Government to citizens or the policy for the bailout of corporations which receive more preferential treatment with tax payer money, is full out and wholeheartedly wrong. Meanwhile, 'Wag the Dog' Gay rights are not that important, but thousands of misguided people are taking to the streets to show their protest.
The shame here is they are protesting the incorrect scenarios, if first they protested the fraudulent representation and misuse of tax payer money, making sure the Government was really representing the people, then perhaps they would have a chance. Yet no, so many special interest groups have got this country moving in so many different directions, the only winners are the ones which pull off the impossible right before the eyes of a severely misguided public, a public which does not seems to understand what is truly important any more.
Other facts are that America is more wrapped up in Television, Cable and Dish Satellite, than they are in their own Country politics, and laws. The problem here is America is mesmerized by everything but what is important for the best interest of the American and World Civilization. The American public is more aware of TV show plots and actors name more than they know where all the money of the country is going, how it is being spent and that the fact the public is being ripped off by the Government still on every level and for every wrong reason they say is right. It is unfortunate times for dumbfounded America, we are a lost and misguided Country with a false value system and unethical leaders, which have worked to undermine this Country for decades and have succeeded right before the blind eyes of the populous.
