Opinion and Facts

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Anti abortionist's they only care about baby life and no one elses, they are as childish as their lop sided cause.

Sure republicans can say they are right to lifers but their history implies after you are born, we are done trying to help you live. Anti abortionists if you were so into life which you are obviously not or else you would be able to help other people other than babies live. Once you are past baby age it seems they don't care if you are jobless, homeless, suffering from some illness or in financial,emotional or educational , need your life means nothing to them , they don't care if you fall by the way side , slip through the cracks or end up in prison where they leave you to rot , because they gave you no chance at being able to earn or have a descent life. But they all are there trying to make sure you get born, but after that screw it they obviously do not give a dam what happens to you. Again what idiocy and hypocrisy exist in the republican agenda, sure say you are right to life which we all should have, but then give up on helping our society achieve an equal financial balance, and destroy the financial stability in the name of your hidden greed and out of balance ideology. It seems you play a card that does not show a balance of an idea , not only a right to life, but it should be the right to a descent life, and that obviously is something the republican party and extremist right to lifers seem to be missing, we all should have a right to a descent life but yet you let disparity abound, pure republican hypocrisy at its best.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Fox News Cable of whacko journalism for whacko's, what a bunch of copycat shock jock scumbag reporting

After seeing more and more of the pure idiocy that comes out of that station, they should change the Fox News name to be 'The freedom of idiocy and it's moron reporting and idiot reporters. That station should not be allowed to broadcast it in nothing less than pure douchebagery at its finest and nothing more than a bunch of racist's crying about nonsense, as they do like the old opposite of progress which is congress. It seems they like a country that was under leadership of greed. Now when someone comes in to right the mess of previous fascist American regimes they would rather have the age of chaos upon Earth. Fox Scum Bags take your ,monkey throwing tantrums and as it it said 'Eat it'. You are a bunch of shock jock wannabe's.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I pray for saftey of my country and everyone that is good!

Today I see a great irreplaceable operator of a machine long overdue
for this overhaul. I call upon all good forces to provide the most
outstanding protection for this great traveler of time and space,
this pioneer , this true modern day navigator of these treacherous
lands and seas. I see a great commander with a refreshing wisdom, that I admire, respect and for which I have a sincere adoration as a witness to your bravery, courage and selfless service.
Yet at the same time I see an evil force which is allowed to operate and exists within our borders, it is an evil, a jealousy, a corruption and greed which has rooted itself in our very government, pentagon and country and gone unhindered by congress and judges. I see the strangle hold of greed, back door deals and secret handshakes and secret organizations, which allow a continued corruption, and the animals which run it pretending to be men. The true beasts are the lizard brains of animal men trying to pass themselves off as humans. They are the evil beasts, with their own secret agendas and protocols, which live amongst us, trying to steal away a bright future from the true G-d fearing people of this and many lands.
I see that there can not be a split second of error , there can not be a step
out of time, for this great clock must be fine running and
uninterrupted. There can not be a pirate, a scallywag, assassin or thief which
takes away one iota of this great, and wonderful invaluable moment. My devotion and
heartfelt prayer an oath of safety at every turn of protection at
every step of security of the highest level for this I stand by and to
you I look for the light on the hill which will guide me through these
bleakest of times. For you to stand up to the nay sayers, bullies, skeptics, mercenaries and
traitors, you are greater than great , braver than brave, stonger than strong, you are the true beacon of this time, a proclamation, my life I give to my country and my country tis of thee, for your safe keep, I will pray and pray and not a day an hour a minute or even
second shall pass that will go unnoticed I will be on guard for your
protection on every block on every street from every point parcel and
hectare your safety is my greatest concern. Oh G-d of heaven and earth
I pray this day and everyday for the protection of all good people and
good leaders everywhere, may we be safe under a watchful eye, and may
your light endure throughout our time. G-d please bless those of
pure heart and pure great thoughts, always of good always for the benefit of all the people.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Christian Control of National Media and Public Intellegence.

America is secretly being run by a bunch of Ultra Conservative Right wing Christian Cults. The results are devastating the advancement of the Western Civilization, and are entirely responsible for the modern day dark ages and the destruction of the US economy. Also the continued lack of common respect for all people of all color and all religion, ultimately operating a secret doctrine against the masses and an attempt to rush the man made end of the world as we know it.

Friday, January 9, 2009

When the Planet is being Destroyed this is the End of life as we know it.

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the Planet. Before man had an excuse to be the most selfish creature on the planet, it is called ignorance. In these times we can not allow this stupidity to continue. We truly come from societies which had all sorts of bad ways of thinking. We can not allow this lack of intelligence to continue. As we see the polar caps melting and creatures dying all around us, inevitably we are next. The problem is the ones who are in charge of old have destroyed our world economy and continue to let the destruction continue, we can not trust them to move fast enough to stop the devastation of our worlds natural resources. As animal habitats are wiped out, hundreds of species gone and going extinct,poaching endangered species,rain forests cleared, not enough ice for penguins, walrus's, seals and polar bears, whales do not migrate as they should and mtbe's of old gasoline have destroyed hundreds of thousands of birds and devastated other creatures, we have left a harmony with nature and created a full out siege as we have become the terrorists against nature. Currently there is a ten mile floating trash heap of plastics floating in the ocean, and the companies that make billions off of plastic do not lift a finger to clean it up, there is something terribly wrong with the system. As man wars against man in the name of creating peace, the Earth is dying. What good will be from you winning your wars if we do not have a safe environment for all the wonderful creatures to be healthy and thrive on it. What good are all these Wars if the end is rushed upon all mankind. I am starting to believe more that man will be cleansed from this planet, washed off of it like the destructive virus mankind has become. An evil natured people with no respect for living things, the greed, vanities and shallow ego of man will be the downfall of us all. When this capitalist greed has no checks and balances and money makes decisions not scientists, we all are suffering and we all will die. Just as the tobacco money still keeps its poisons legal so too there are modern day robber Barron's stealing our children's heritage away from us all. Just as there are schemers and plotters, there are deceitful and ignorant plans which are happening against us and the creatures we were entrusted to watch over and protect, if we can not be the good shepherds of the innocent, then we truly have no right to call humans an intelligent species, as we prove our continued stupidity world wide and on a daily basis. These are much worse times than we are believing, a deception is upon us as we are not moving fast enough to aid the victims, and we will be the ones that pay the ultimate price for our ignorant, foolish and greedy non actions and denials.
