Opinion and Facts

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pure Republican Idiocy Revealed Daily

Could the Republican party sound more dumb? The Republican party destroy's the world economy, bail's out wall street with no oversight, then cries foul when the Democrats attempt to repair the Republican destruction of human rights, lied warfare economic catastrophes and obstructed justice, at every level. Perhaps the Republican party should be charged with obstruction of justice. Or certainly the instigation of the opposite of progress, as in the old joke what is the opposite of progress, in current times it is Republican Congress is the absolute opposite of progress. In fact , the pure lack of foresight, insight and oversight, of the Republican party makes it appear they are some part of a conspiracy against the common man and are directly preventing the advancement of the All American civilization. The Republicans seem to want to keep with their ''wag the dog'' agendas as they point fingers and place blame on others , the Republican farce, is to try to trip up the other party rather than aiding the country on a whole , the Republican party seems nothing less than an American National Front and remains an obstacle and hindrance to the general American public. The Republicans have managed a true dumbing of America to the point where the average citizens are numb and blind to their covert activity. The continued agenda of the Republican party seems nothing short of a sell out for their own personal gains and agenda, shame on you Republican Party, as Bush said ''fool you once shame on me , fool me twice, we won't get fooled again'' the Republicans can't even get that right, but their message is clear, they don't care if they get it right and they remain an obstacle for the rest of us.
