Opinion and Facts

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A story from A US soldier in Afghanistan

Today I heard a story from the front lines of Afghanistan, as told to me by a U.S. Soldier. I will make this brief because it is disturbing.
 While on patrol with a unit of 30 U.S. Soldiers, they entered a small village. In that village was a commotion and the soldiers then heard the cries of a women. She was on the ground and surrounded by Afghani men with stones. She was accused of adultery without a trial. As the U.S. Soldiers heard her pleas for help, they did nothing, when she cried out, the Afghani men started to throw stones directly at her face and head. The lead U.S. Soldier did nothing, and ordered his unit to leave, and as they left, they saw the woman's skull crushed in by rocks. They did not come to her aid, they abandoned a civilian in distress, there are so many things wrong with this story on so many levels. a good quiestion would be why are our soldiers there at all.



Dan Moss 2010 ©
